Sharing My 2024 Personal and Home Goals For The Year Ahead


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Every year, I start things off with a post all about my home goals for the 12 months ahead. This is a place to write down a big ol’ list of DIY projects that I hope to accomplish and it gives you a peek into the type of content you’ll see around here. Here’s my 2023 home goals post.

Setting personal goals for 2024

Well, after five years of renovation projects, my home is pretty much done! You can tour all of the before and after pictures right here. Honestly, it’s still kinda hard for me to believe we made it to the finish line.

So what will you see here on The DIY Playbook in 2024? Today, I wanted to dive into just that.

Are We Moving?

Checking in on our 2023 home goals

Last August, I teased at the idea of us selling our current home and moving into a different one. We even took listing pictures just so we’re ready if we find the perfect property and want to pounce. As of now, we aren’t going anywhere. Interest rates are still super high and we love our neighborhood, our school, and our completed home.

Make a plan before you install your vertical shiplap

Yes, we are still keeping our eyes peeled, but I don’t expect us to be packing our bags in the coming months. However, I’m not gonna lie, that does put my business in a bit of a pickle. A huge part of my job is designing and renovating spaces and without my own place to do that, what would The DIY Playbook do?

Looking Into Other Properties

The thought of picking up my family and moving just for the sake of “content” seems ridiculous. So instead, I started wrapping my head around the thought of buying a small investment property nearby. Perhaps I would rehab it and sell it or renovate it and turn it into a long-term rental property. I met with a few friends who have gone down similar paths and started doing a lot of research on the topic.

As of now, I’m still on the hunt for the perfect investment property. With low inventory and high interest rates, it isn’t a great time to buy, but I’m always keeping my eyes peeled and options open. We’ll see if anything pops up and the timing works out.

Projects Around Our House

In the meantime, I do have some projects that I want to get done around here. I may not have huge renovation DIYs coming up, but I certainly have small organizing and decorating tasks to cross off my list!

Kicking Off A January Organizing Series

How to create drawers for a kid-friendly kitchen

This month, I’ll be tackling ten days of clutter. I’ve mapped out my house into 10 problem areas and I’ll be walking you through the process as I go through each space. The holidays were magical, but they often leave me feeling overwhelmed with stuff and clutter. I always like to do a good purge in the new year and figured I might as well share the process with all of you.

My organized makeup drawer in the bathroom

I’m sharing Day One over on Instagram stories today if you want to join in on the organizing challenge! I always get anxious when things are all over the place and I can’t find what I need. I think this will be a good way to kick off 2024, with a bit of calm and clarity.

Basement Closet Turned Kids’ Play Area

One of my 2024 home goals is to transform this closet under our stairs

I have a fun project in mind for our basement. We have a closet underneath our stairs that is currently stuffed to the brim with our air mattress and extra bedding. It’s like my “Monica closet” and it can often be tough to close the door!

One of my 2024 home goals is to transform this closet under our stairs in the basement into a playroom for our kids

I plan to turn this cute little closet space into a play zone for the kids. I don’t have an exact game plan just yet, but I do know that I want to incorporate Rory’s love for outer space into this tiny closet. Maybe stars and lights? A cool wallpaper? I’m open to any and all of your ideas, so keep ’em coming!

Backyard Revamp – We’re Getting A Pergola!

Our Yardzen backyard design plan

Let’s rewind to 2.5 years ago when we were renovating our backyard and came up with these plans for the space. Our original drawings included a pergola, but we had to scrap the idea due to budget constraints. Well, I’m happy to announce that we’re finally getting that pergola that we originally wanted!

Prepping our backyard for the fall season

We’ll be adding this one to our couch lounge zone. It has a louvered top, so we can close it when it rains! It arrives in March and then Finn and I will be installing it ourselves and walking you through the entire process, from start to finish. I’ll be eager to get it all set up with lights and our furniture once the weather warms up.

New Trees & Landscaping

Our trees will be replaced

Our Japanese Tree Lilacs are struggling, big time, and I’m sad to say that I think we have to replace them. I had a pro come out and they’re diseased and need to be replaced. Once the pergola is installed, we plan to rethink our landscaping and replace a few trees and bushes to make them match our style a bit better. I’ll be eager to get it all looking just the way we want it.

Homeownership 101

Tips to install a bathroom faucet

While those are the big projects I have on tap for the coming months, I also have a new series in the works. I want to be the go-to resource for all things homeownership and maintenance. I know I’ve done lots of videos and posts in the past walking you through DIY tasks around the house (like this recent post with homeowner skills you should know). I want to turn all of these ideas into a series that I’ll be rolling out, gradually, on Instagram and here on the blog.

My best tips to paint an exterior door

I’m planning a “paint week” where we dive into the difference between paint sheens, how to open/close a can of paint, the exact steps to prep a room, and more. I’ll show you how to install an air filter on multiple furnaces. I’ll walk you through the basics of a toilet and how it runs.

Using a pressure washer before installing polymeric sand

My ultimate goal is to create a downloadable maintenance schedule of all of the things that you need to put on your calendar to keep your home running smoothly.

This should be a fun series to dive into and I am open to your feedback and ideas as I kick things off.

Personal 2024 Goals

My favorite place to hang during the fall months

Outside of work, I want to continue my inner work to be a well-rounded and thoughtful person. Taking time off work last summer was invigorating and it was reassuring to see that the entire world didn’t fall apart. As a one-woman show, it is hard for me to step away and put the phone/computer down. Knowing that I did that for three months and I still had a job to come back to was very reassuring.

Making plans for more rest in 2024

This year, my goal is to continue to incorporate more rest into my life. We have a two-week vacation to Seaside, Florida in February and I plan to be completely unplugged and with my kids during that time. And as summer approaches, I may take another extended leave. I plan to listen to my body this time around.

Feel Strong & Healthy (Mentally & Physically)

I’ve been dealing with a hip injury over the past few months and it has cut into my fitness journey a bit. I have a hip impingement that came on because of overuse, so I had to slow down on my yoga routine. I’ve had two months of physical therapy and I’m feeling a lot better. My goal is to ease back into my workout routine to kick off the year and feel stronger again.

As for my mental health, I’m still on Lexapro (and so grateful for it!) and seeing my therapist every other week. Finn and I then have couples therapy on the other weeks. It’s been nice carving out space to do some inner work. I highly recommend it.

Let’s Have A Great Start To The Year

Making personal and business goals for 2024

So there you have it, a brain dump of where things stand for me, my home, and my business. I’m not sure where 2024 will take me, but I’m excited about the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. What are your hopes and dreams for 2024?



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