Making a Spring Punch List for Our Home


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Spring is always such a rejuvenating time for me as we come out of our super cold and yucky Chicago winters. When the temps warm up, I love opening up the windows and seeing our house come back to life! Now that our two bathrooms are pretty much done (well, at least the dusty construction part is over!), I’m focusing on other parts of our home that I’ve since neglected.

My Spring punch list

I’ve been looking around and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the list of tasks to do around here. There are so many things to clean and so many things to spruce up or fix. Nothing is a huge task by itself, but when I think of them collectively, it’s a bit much.

To organize my thoughts, I decided to create a spring punch list to corral my tasks and cross them off one-by-one. The term “punch list” is often used for construction projects, listing out the items that need to get done before you can call a job finished. I like to use it for small lingering jobs around the house too.

Tips to Create a Spring Punch List

Obviously, my spring punch list will look wildly different from yours. But I wanted to share some of my best tips to create a spring punch list in the first place, along with some tasks that just about everyone will have on their list.

Walk Around Room by Room

Go room by room to create your spring punch list

Give yourself 30 minutes and slowly walk around your home with a pen and paper. Take a look at everything closely and jot down things that need to be fixed or spruced up. For me, I might note areas that need paint touch-ups (and the color I need to find from the storage closet), or perhaps it’s more decor-focused – like swapping out the 4×6 photo in the frame for a new one. Be as specific as possible with your note-taking so you can create your master list of tasks with a clear action plan.

I find that I sometimes have “blind spots” in our home. I will overlook things that need to be fixed or maintained and after a while, I just forget about them altogether. It’s important for me to set aside the time to really take a look around to make my list.

Add Seasonal Home Maintenance to Your List

Our new HVAC system from Trane

Once you have your room-by-room list jotted down, add a few of these overarching tasks to your list. These are tasks you should likely be doing every spring, so here’s your reminder!

  • Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Change air filters
  • Get your HVAC serviced – always a good idea before summertime
  • Check the humidifier on your furnace for the new season
  • Rotate fans for warmer months – counterclockwise for summer, clockwise for winter
  • Caulk gaps in molding and trim (When houses get dry in the winter, wood tends to contract. I find that we often have lots of caulking to do in the spring. This post outlines some of my best caulking tips.)

Here’s a master list of home maintenance tasks that should be done every year if you want more details. And here’s my go-to spring cleaning checklist.

Create an Action Plan

Creating a spring punch list to get stuff done around the house

Now that you’ve got all of your notes jotted down, it’s time to organize them. I’m a big list person and I like the satisfaction of physically crossing things off of a paper list. However, my handwriting is horrible, so I prefer to type things out. I made an organized list of each task, grouped by room, as well as a section for overarching tasks that aren’t specifically room-focused, and then I printed it out.

Caulking a tile backsplash

I also made a supply list, including items I’d need to buy and others that I’d need to scrounge up from around the house. You’ve gotta make sure you have the tools for the job well ahead of your Spring Punch List Day!

Block Time On Your Calendar

With my to-do list created, I looked at my calendar and blocked off a day to get them all done. It doesn’t necessarily need to be one day. You could do a little every day during your kids’ nap time, or over a long weekend. The point is to find a time to break out that list, turn on some music, and get after it! Just make sure you have all of the supplies purchased and ready to go for your Spring Punch List Day.

My Spring Punch List

Here’s a look at my spring punch list. Again, these tasks are specific to my home and what needs to be done around here. I’ve also already tackled a lot of the spring home maintenance tasks from above, so you won’t find them on my final list.

My 2022 spring punch list

Also, worth noting, this only features tasks on the interior of our house. The outdoors and garage are a whole different ballgame that I’m not quite ready to tackle yet. So, these are just quick and satisfying tasks that I want to get done, so we can eventually turn our attention outside.

Crossing Items Off My List

Excited to cross items off of my spring punch list

I actually designated TODAY as my Spring Punch List Day! (It’s also my birthday, so that shows you how exciting my life is. Ha!) I’ll be sharing my progress over on Instagram stories if you want to follow along. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get through lots of items on my list! I’d love for you to join me with your own spring punch list this weekend. Who’s with me?!




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