Come Meet Our Son – He Made His Debut a Tad Early!


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Hello, friends! I’m popping in to tell you that our son decided to make his debut last week. It’s been a whirlwind of a week and I wanted to write a quick post to share the good news so you can meet our son!

Meet Our Son

Introducing Baby Ellis

Introducing Ellis James Finn

Introducing our son Ellis

Because Aurora (aka “Rory”) is such a unique name, we knew we wanted something special for our son. After many months of searching for little boys’ names, we heard Ellis and knew it was the one. It means “benevolent”, “kind”, and “Messenger of God.” We think it’s very fitting for our sweet boy.

James is a family name (my dad’s dad) and we love the family tradition and history behind his middle name.

Our son Ellis

For now, we’re calling him “Ellis”, but our family has already started giving him little nicknames of “Eli” and “EJ”. We will see what sticks!

Ellis’ Stats

Come meet our son

If you remember, Rory decided to make an early debut, as well. (She arrived when I was 36 weeks and 5 days.) And Ellis followed in his sister’s footsteps. He arrived when I was 35 weeks and 1 day, on the morning of Sunday, September 12th. We were very worried about him being so premature, but he ended up being a healthy little guy and didn’t need any time in the NICU.

Finn snuggling our baby boy

He weighed 5lbs, 15oz at birth, and measured 19 inches long.

waiting to meet our son
Waiting to meet our son

That was actually the week I was on my quarterly blog break and I heard from so many of you who checked in to make sure I was okay. (I was fine, just taking my regularly scheduled time off.) So it was funny that I actually ended up having the baby then, too! And I so appreciate all of your sweet inquires into my wellbeing.

More to Come

Taking naps and recovering after my c-section

I’ll be sure to write up his entire birth story, while I’m on maternity leave, to share with you in January, 2022, when I’m back to the blog full-time. I did end up needing a c-section because he was breech, so I’ll also have plenty to share about my recovery and the entire experience. (It was so different from my delivery with Rory!)

What’s the Plan with Blog Content?

Finn and Ellis

You guys know I always like to plan ahead, so I actually already had all of my September content scheduled and ready to go, prior to Ellis’ arrival. Last week, my amazing assistant, Lindsey, made sure everything was published on the blog and social for me while I recovered in the hospital.

I actually have content scheduled for this week and next week, and then I’ll share Ellis’ nursery reveal on Monday, October 11th. (I would do it sooner, but the rug for the room is a part of a new rug collaboration that doesn’t launch until that day, so my content is “on hold”.)

Come meet our son

Just know that all of the content was written before Ellis’ arrival and I may be slow to respond to any comments or questions, but I appreciate them so so much!

Maternity Leave

Holding our baby boy

Then, I’ll officially be on maternity leave starting Tuesday, October 12th through the remainder of the year. I’ll be popping back in, during November, to reveal our annual Gift Guide (my favorite yearly project) and I may share a family update here or there. But my main goal is to take care of our little man and get into a new groove as a family of four.

Come meet our son

Thank you for all of your love and support. We are enjoying allllll the baby snuggles in the Finn household and can’t wait to share more soon.




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