2020 Reader Survey + Out of Office


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I cannot thank you enough for being a part of The DIY Playbook community in 2020! As you saw from yesterday’s post, it was a whirlwind year and I feel so lucky that this special community of readers supported me every step of the way.The kitchen renovation lessons I've learned

I’m going to do my best to intentionally unplug and be present for the holidays, so I’ve decided to sign off for 2020 today and meet you all right back here in 2021, feeling refreshed and ready for another productive year!Our fall video 2020

I also want to mention that I’ll be taking scheduled breaks from posting throughout the year (a week off each quarter) to just spend time with my family. Since I don’t get traditional PTO like a “normal” job, I want to make a point to build-in breaks and dedicated family time. Because if 2020 taught me anything, it’s that that’s what life is all about!Spending time together as a family during 2020, plus my 2020 reader survey

I’ll still be checking in here and there on Instagram stories, so be sure to tune in there if you want to stay up to date with the latest Finn family adventures.Our home office makeover

I’ll then be back for a new year of content starting on January 11th, 2021. We’ll be kicking off the year, as we usually do, with our yearly home goals and then much of January will be about organizing the kitchen and my office. Plus, I’m finally getting around to that “Day in the Life” post you’ve all been requesting!

Goodbye 2020Our kitchen renovation reveal

But before I officially say goodbye to 2020, here on The DIY Playbook, I want to hear from all of you! Your daily support is what makes this blog possible, so I want to make sure I am creating content that you love and are inspired by. If you have time today (or over the next few weeks), I’d love to read your input. I will use this valuable feedback to prepare the editorial calendar for 2021, making sure I fill it with all types of content that you love and want to read.

Below is the anonymous survey that you can click through, type into, and then SUBMIT. And even though it is anonymous, I ask that you submit constructive criticism only.

Last year, I received unhelpful comments about my appearance – wearing too much makeup, not wearing enough makeup, criticism of my eyebrows, etc. We are all adults and the last thing that helps my blog is a comment about the way I look. So here’s the rule – If you wouldn’t want someone to make this comment to your child (or a niece/nephew/neighbor, if you’re not a parent) online, then there is no reason to write it to me. I’m so grateful for constructive feedback (and I welcome it!), but I won’t tolerate anything hateful. Maybe it’s the mom in me coming out, but I felt like that needed to be said!Rory playing at the park

Most importantly, I want to wish you and your family a happy, healthy holiday and new year. Thanks for your unconditional support today and every day. I can’t wait to see you right back here on January 11th, 2021.

2020 Reader Survey




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