March 2020 – Baby Shower + Nursery Prep


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The break room no. 1 May 2019

Pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee, get cozy, and let’s take a well-deserved break and catch up about March 2020.

My Recent BuysFrida mom postpartum kit

Finn’s Recent BuysFinn working from home

Finn has been working from home with me for the past few weeks (he stole the office…the scoundrel!), so he thought it would be fun to theme his fave items this month to work from home essentials!

  • I love this high-quality and affordable monitor for under $100. I just bought it and I like being able to move it all around your home in case you don’t want to mount it, or you don’t have a designated home office space.
  • Casey uses this office chair in the living room. It’s lightweight and great on her back.
  • If you have more than one monitor at home and don’t have a docking station, this HDMI splitter is a cheap and easy way to get your laptop spread across both screens.
  • It may seem simple, but a mouse pad is needed when working remotely. If you are using a magazine or book, ditch it and get these cheap mousepads for a huge improvement!
  • We bought two of these space heaters for our house. Instead of heating our entire home at once, we each keep one near us when working. It’s definitely helping us save on our utility bill.

The Click List

Finn Family Updates – March 2020Staying at home during March 2020

Wow, what a month it has been with this global pandemic. I hope everyone is hanging in there and staying healthy and safe. We have been isolating ourselves at home since long before Illinois’ shelter-in-place began. We just can’t risk getting sick with the baby coming, so home is where it’s at. Our new motto is “nesting & resting” and we’re doing our best to make the most of this slow time together. Finn's family at our baby shower

As you guys saw from this post, we were able to squeeze in our baby shower right before the pandemic got bad. The timing worked out in our favor and it’s crazy thinking I might not see many of those women for months and months. If our shower was a week later, we absolutely would have had to cancel. Plus, Finn’s family (isn’t our sleepy nephew adorable?!) was able to come in from Houston for the festivities and it was wonderful to see them one last time before the baby comes!Working from the table

Finn and I have gotten into a routine around here. He works upstairs in the office, I work downstairs in the living room, and somehow it works. We break for snacks and lunch and then spend the night hanging on the couch (sometimes playing virtual games with family) or working in the nursery. It’s our “new normal” around here. The shelter-in-place mandate for Illinois continues until April 7th, but I doubt we will be going anywhere except my doctors’ offices until it’s time to deliver this baby at the end of the month.

I’m sending good vibes to each and every one of you. Stay safe, stay healthy, and try your best to stay positive. We will get through this together.




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