Refreshing Mocktail Recipes for Pregnancy


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This is day 22 of quarantine for us and let’s just say I’m a bit envious of those of you who have been able to indulge in virtual happy hours and relaxing glasses of wine at night. If I wasn’t pregnant, who knows how many bottles of champagne I would have gone through by now? Ha! Luckily, Finn has been whipping up refreshing mocktail recipes for me to drink during this pregnancy and they’re almost as good as the real thing.

My Champagne Substitute

Before we get to those mocktail recipes, I need to tell you about the faux champagne I’ve been drinking over the last nine months. As most everyone knows, Prosecco is my drink of choice and I am definitely looking forward to a chilled glass to celebrate the arrival of this baby! But in the meantime, I’ve had this alcohol-free Brut from time to time. It came in handy in the early months when we hadn’t yet announced our pregnancy (it looks just like the real thing!) and we’ve popped a few bottles on holidays or other specials days.

Is it as good as real champagne? No. But it isn’t terribly sweet (I only like dry wines) and has the bubbles just like real champagne. Drinking it chilled from a champagne glass makes me feel like I’m having the real thing! We buy it from our local grocery store, but you could also get it on Amazon right here (albeit for a few bucks more than the store). I’ve tried the other white and red from the same brand, and they’re not my fave. The brut is my favorite by far.

Two Refreshing Mocktail Recipes

Now, onto the mocktail recipes! Finn has really gotten into making more advanced cocktails at home and has finally perfected his Old Fashioned. I challenged him to come up with some mocktail recipes for me during pregnancy and he delivered! Here are my two favorites that are super refreshing! And don’t worry, I will even tell you how to make these boozy so anyone can enjoy these recipes.

Let’s start with the easier recipe of the two…

How to Make a Mocktail Mule

How to make a mocktail mule to drink during pregnancy

I’m a fan of “real” Moscow Mules and I’ve gotta say that this recipe is just as refreshing as a “real” one. It quenches your thirst (I’m constantly thirsty during this pregnancy) and the ginger is actually really good for an upset stomach. I’ve found that it’s kind of a calming drink for me because the ginger can curb any nausea or stomach troubles.

Mocktail mule

Mocktail Mule

This non-alcoholic version of the traditional Moscow Mule is refreshing and almost tastes like the real thing! A great way to quench your thirst while enjoying a yummy cocktail.

Prep Time 2 minutes

Cook Time 2 minutes

Course Drinks

Cuisine American

  • Copper Mug

  • Mixing Glass Set

  • 6 oz. Ginger Beer
  • 1.5 oz Sparkling Water We used La Croix
  • Fresh Mint Sprigs
  • 2 Limes
  • Add ice to the bottom of your mixing glass.

  • Squeeze limes into glass. Tear up 7-10 sprigs of mint and add.

  • Add sparkling water and ginger beer.

  • Stir to combine all flavors.

  • Strain mixture into copper mug. Add 2-3 squeezed lime wedges and garnish with mint.

Keyword Cocktail, Mocktail, Moscow Mule

Tips to Make a Mocktail MuleIngredients to make a refreshing mocktail mule

This recipe is also super easy. It doesn’t call for too many ingredients and it’s making me want to add a fresh herb garden to our backyard this summer. That way I always have fresh mint on hand!Ginger beer

Let’s chat about ginger beer. Yes, it has the word “beer” in it, but it doesn’t contain any alcohol! It’s kinda like a ginger ale. Just wanted to throw that out there in case someone was confused. Cocktail mixing set

This is the cocktail mixing set that we have and Finn uses constantly. It works great for his old fashioned but it came in handy for this recipe too. Strain into a copper mug

The strainer on top is key to separate all of the mint and lime wedges when pouring into a glass.Moscow mule copper mug

Every Moscow Mule (even the non-alcoholic versions!) call for a copper mug. These glasses get sooooo cold and keep your drink super chilled. Here’s a good set you can pick up and use all summer long. How to make a mocktail mule

Now, if you want to make this with alcohol I would suggest adding a shot of vodka! It will still be light and super refreshing.

How to Make a Blackberry Lemon MocktailHow to make a blackberry lemon mocktail recipes

This next recipe is a tiny bit more advanced than the first, but trust me, the extra steps are worth it! We are both big fans of this one. Just like the Mocktail Mule, it’s super refreshing but the lemon and blackberry make it a bit tangier and fruity (without being over the top sweet). Plus, it’s just about the prettiest color you ever did see.

Blackberry Lemon Mocktail

Slightly sweet, slightly tangy, and 100% delicious. This non-alcoholic mocktail is satisfying, refreshing, and the prettiest shade of red.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 2 minutes

Course Drinks

Cuisine American

  • 1/2 cup Fresh Blackberries
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  • 1/2 cup Lemonade We used pre-made
  • 1 Lemon
  • Lemon Slices
  • Club Soda We used La Croix
  • Fresh Mint
  • Put blackberries in saucepan and mash with a fork, masher, or potato masher.

  • Add sugar, water, and lemonade and simmer.

  • Simmer the mixture over low-medium heat for 10 minutes.

  • Strain the mixture into a bowl to remove the blackberry seeds.

  • Add the juice of one lemon and refrigerate until cold.

  • Place ice in four glasses and pour mixture evenly into each glass.

  • Add club soda into each glass and garnish with lemon, mint, and extra blackberries.

Keyword Cocktail, Mocktail

Tips to Make a Blackberry Lemon Mocktail

Mocktail recipes and ingredients

As you can see from the directions, this recipe is slightly more complicated than the first, but it is definitely worth the extra work! The flavors work so well together and taking the time to heat them all up makes it that much better. Mashing blackberries

This muddler comes with this same cocktail mixing set we used for the first recipe (I’m telling you, it comes in handy for just about every drink) and it was key to mash up those blackberries in the first step. We’ve used wooden muddlers in the past, but this one is much better. Strain liquid for mocktail recipes

When you remove the mixture from the fridge, this is what it looks like. It’s the prettiest shade of red! How to make a blackberry lemon mocktail

You can make it a little less sweet by adding more club soda or add a shot of vodka if you want to make this alcoholic. Finn tried it with vodka and he said it was amazing! mocktail recipes to enjoy during pregnancy

Pregnant or not, I hope you give these mocktail recipes a try! They are delicious and will be consumed all summer long in our household. Cheers, friends!




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