Spring Cleaning – Home Task Checklist


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Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Fluidmaster. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog.

I consider myself to be a clean and tidy person, but in the spring, I take that to a new level. Add on my current state of nesting mode and being home 24/7 quarantined..and I’m turning into a clean freak! Luckily, it’s led to some productive spring cleaning around here.

My Spring Cleaning ChecklistSpring cleaning mode

I created a big master spring cleaning list a few weeks ago, and I’ve slowly been crossing these items off my list (did you catch me cleaning our windows last week on stories?). I figured you might want to jump aboard the cleaning train, so today I’m sharing that master list with all of you. Finn and I tackled some spring maintenance projects around the house last month, and I’m happy to report that we crossed most of the items off that list. Let’s hope we can do the same with these tasks before the baby’s arrival in just a few weeks!

I’ve broken this list down, room-by-room, to help organize your checklist.

EverywhereLiving room window shades

  • Clean Windows Inside & Out: We hired a local company to clean our second-story windows (they should come in a few weeks) and I cleaned the insides last week. I first wipe down with soapy warm water and a rag (getting all the dirt and dust off the trim and sills) and then I use a microfiber cloth and glass cleaner for the windows. Works like a charm.
  • Clean Window Screens: Holy smokes, our window screens saw plenty of dust this winter with all of our indoor DIY projects. These need a good hose down.
  • Wipe Down Baseboards: This is not my favorite task, but it certainly makes a big difference. I just use a damp soapy rag and it works great!Use magic eraser to clean baseboards
  • Wipe Smudges Off Doors with Magic Erasers: Magic erasers are well…magic! I use them to get scuffs off doors and baseboards and they work like a charm!

BathroomsFluidmaster Flush 'n Sparkle for your bathroom toilet

  • Make Your Toilet a “Self-Cleaning” One: As you guys saw from the start, this post is sponsored by Fluidmaster. They have an awesome product called the Flush ‘n Sparkle that automatically cleans your toilet. When they told me about it, I was immediately intrigued. No more toilet bowl cleaner? No more scrubbing away? Really?! They sent me one to try and I was blown away by how easy it was to install and how effective it is. I installed one in just about every toilet in my house (and in my mom’s) back in February, and haven’t had to clean a toilet since. Heck yes! Now that’s my kinda cleaning (especially with a baby on the way). Fluidmaster holderEssentially, you install this little holder inside your toilet tank, pop in a cartridge, and the water that flows into your toilet bowl every time you flush, cleans it! Oh, and don’t worry about the bleach affecting the parts in your toilet tank. The bleach only goes into the toilet bowl, so your parts stay a-okay!Flush 'n sparkle cleaning cartridgesThey have blue cartridges, bleach cartridges, and green cartridges (that are septic-safe) to choose from. It took me less than a minute to install the holder and I even created a little video tutorial demonstrating just how simple it is. You can watch the video below or over on Youtube right here.
  • <img width=”1707″ height=”2560″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-95827″ src=”https://media.thediyplaybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/17181801/fluidmaster-toilet-flush-n-sparkle-3-scaled.jpg” alt=”Blue cartridge from Fluidmaster”>Once the <a href=”https://amzn.to/2wplpg4″ target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer”>Flush ‘n Sparkle</a> is installed, your toilet will be a self-cleaning toilet! The only thing you have to remember is to change the cartridge every three months! I just set a reminder on my calendar and I’m good to go. I highly recommend buying one of these for every toilet in your house and installing them while you’re quarantined! No more toilet scrub brush!<img width=”1365″ height=”2048″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-93109″ src=”https://media.thediyplaybook.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/17190201/first-floor-bathroom-shower-scaled.jpg” alt=”less seen rooms in our house, the first floor bathroom”></li>
  • Wash Shower Curtains & Liners: This is one I easily forget. You can throw them right into the washing machine (yes, even the plastic liners!) to give them a good clean.

BedroomsSpring cleaning to-do list for the master bedroom

  • Wash All Sheets & Duvet Covers: I wash my sheets regularly, but I don’t do my duvet covers as often as I should. But, I do have an entire blog post sharing my best tips to do just that. 
  • Wash Pillows: Again, another item I neglect. You can wash these in the washing machine. Make sure you dust your ceiling fans during spring cleaning
  • Dust Fans: I’ll probably have Finn climb up high to give our ceiling fans a good dusting (pregnant problems).

Living RoomOur white couch from crate and Barrel

  • Rotate Couch Cushions & De-Fuzz Fabric: I use this fabric defuzzer to get rid of any pills on my couch and pillows. It works like a charm and is oh-so-satisfying.
  • Wash Throw Blankets & Pillow Covers: Yep, more laundry.Wipe down leather furniture weekly
  • Condition Leather Chair: I have a blog post outlining exactly how to do this. It’s incredibly easy and my chair always looks and smells so good when I’m done.


How to clean your fridge for spring cleaning

  • Empty Fridge & Wipe Down: Finn’s domain is the kitchen, so he will be tackling this one! Our fridge needs a good wipe down.
  • Clean Appliances: I use the cleaning pods for our dishwasher. For the microwave, I microwave a bowl of vinegar for a few minutes and then wipe it down with a rag. Gets the job done.
  • Hose Down Trash Can: This is a must! Ours have seen better days. Layer cutting boards in your kitchen
  • Condition Cutting Boards: I have an old post on how to do this and the tips are still super useful.


Underbed storage for organization

  • Store Winter Clothing, Get Out Summer Clothing: I use these underbed storage organizers to store seasonal clothes. The temps are slowly starting to warm up around here, so it’s time to get the summer stuff out!Why we chose the Acura RDX
  • Wash Car Inside & Out: Our new car saw a beating this winter (so much slush & salt!). It’s time to get that baby looking good again.
  • Replace Door Mats: I like to pick up jute rugs for our front and back doors (inside the house) from HomeGoods. They get worn from wet winter boots, so I always like to replace them in the spring. Oh, and I always give our outside doormat a good hose down. Spring cleaning don't forget your makeup brushes
  • Wash Makeup Brushes: I’m so bad at remembering to do this, but here’s your reminder and this post explains how to do it.

Spring stovetop potpourriWell, that’s enough to keep you busy for quite some time! Here’s one more tip, make this stovetop potpourri on your spring cleaning day! That way your entire home smells good all day long. And if you need some help with weekly cleaning, here’s my cleaning checklist.

spring cleaning checklist

I’m slowly making my way through this big spring cleaning list and I hope to get it all done before Baby Girl’s arrival! Nesting mode is a real thing…




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