August 2019 – Summertime Fun, Recent Buys, + More


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Back when I was working in a traditional office setting, the break room was where I’d eat lunch, chat about anything and everything with coworkers, and even catch up on my favorite blogs on my phone. I know a lot of you are working ladies and you read this blog on your commute to work or on your lunch hour. I figured “The Break Room” could be our spot to catch up about the past month…just as friends do!

The break room no. 1 May 2019

So pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee, get cozy, and let’s take a well-deserved break and catch up about August 2019.

My Recent BuysSwimming suit at the beach in August 2019

  • Finn and I went to the Indiana Dunes in early August (more details below). I posted this swimsuit on Instagram and got soooo many messages about it. I actually got it last year from Amazon and it’s only $25 and can be worn two ways. Finn always says I look very “fancy” in it, so I guess I’ll take that as a compliment!
  • Here’s another Amazon purchase…this purse organizer! I have a large Cuyana bag that I adore because it holds all the things. But it can become a bit of a black hole. I purchased this lightweight organizer (I got the XL) and it is the best purchase ever. I’m so much more organized and I don’t want to chuck my bag out the window when I’m frustrated that I can’t find something. If you’re a big tote person this organizer is for you!Vital proteins collage peptides
  • The last thing I want to do is complain about all of my body woes on here, but I have had a lot of hair loss in the last few months. Not like breakage, but like legit CLUMPS of hair coming out when I shower. I had a few cries in the shower watching hundreds of strands go down the drain. I talked to my doctor about it and she can’t pinpoint what fertility med might be doing it to me. She thinks it could be stress or my body catching up to the shock of the losses I’ve experienced in the last year. There’s no way to really know. I’ve been trying my best to fuel my body with nutrients (I’m on so many supplements, it’s insane, but can’t take biotin because it interferes with other meds) and I’ve been adding this collagen powder to my morning water. My nails are growing like crazy, but hard to tell about my hair just yet. I’ll keep you guys updated…
  • I’m making a few small upgrades to our bathrooms in the house (since we aren’t renovating them just yet). Is it weird to be excited about a new toilet paper roll holder? Oh, and I also picked up these towel hooks.
  • I’ve heard amazing things about the eyebrow products from Glossier. I ended up getting this brow wand and this detailing pen and it’s totally upped my eyebrow game. While I was shopping, I also put this lipstick (in the color “crush”) and this cult-favorite balm (in the color “berry”) in my shopping cart. So far I’m obsessed and can’t stop wearing them.

The Click List

Finn Family Updates – August 2019

The first weekend of August, we headed to my dad’s new house in Beverly Shores, Indiana. He lives right on Lake Michigan and his house is incredibly serene and tranquil. We spent the day at the beach and then lazed around on his gorgeous back patio. It’s only about an hour from the city, yet you feel like you’re halfway around the world.

That next week, Finn and I were house sitters for our friends who own a gorgeous home in Lincoln Park. They knew we were nomads and living at my mom’s and wanted someone to watch their place while they were gone for over a week. We had a blast staying at their house (it’s massive, modern, and the perfect spot for entertaining!). We sat out on their amazing back patio at night and also did some exploring in their neighborhood.

My family and I went to dinner and a musical, Come From Away.  Wow, it was outstanding. The music, the story, the acting…all top notch. If you’re not familiar with the true story you can read more about it here. It’s so fascinating to see how this small town came together and  it really gives you more faith in humanity.

On the flip side, I had one minor setback this month that I shared with you guys on Instagram Stories. When house sitting, I was going to my car to quickly go meet someone at our new house for an appointment. My arms were full and I placed my laptop on top of the hood of my car. I then drove ten minutes away to our house and realized the moment I got there that I forgot to put the laptop inside the car. Yikes. I went back immediately, but the laptop was nowhere to be found. I drove the route over and over, hoping to find it on the side of the road or in a bush, but it never turned up. I ended up locking it from afar and putting a message on the screen with my contact information. I also filed a police report in case it shows up. That day, I went and bought a new laptop since it’s pretty much my lifeline for my job!

I spent that entire day feeling sooooo angry at myself. How could I be so stupid? I finally realized that shit happens and dwelling on it wasn’t going to bring my laptop back. I got my new computer and haven’t really looked back. (Also, here is your reminder to go back up all of your stuff! You’re welcome).Getting settled on moving day

And the biggest news of the month….we MOVED IN! Yep, last weekend we finally moved all of our stuff up from the basement of the house. We used HireAHelper, which was a lifesaver because there was no way that Finn and I were going to be able to lift all the heavy items by ourselves. My mom was the true MVP though. She helped me clean every night leading up to our move and then spent at least twelve hours helping us unpack. That woman is a treasure!

We’re still getting settled and unpacking, but it feels amazing to be sleeping here! Next week, I’m planning a big before and after blog post, along with a post about what we learned from our renovation (oh boy!). Have a great holiday weekend and I’ll see you guys back here on Tuesday.





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