DIY First Aid Box Project for $1


amazon prime

Last week, I shared the reveal of our new powder room, which included what decor I ultimately chose to display under our open vanity. I struggled to decorate this space without it feeling too staged, too hotel-ish, or just too much. I originally thought I would do a wicker basket underneath, but then realized that might clash with the wood tones in the vanity.

black and white bathroom with first aid box

Ultimately, I wanted to add something that had a tiny bit of storage but still looked good. I’m sure I’ll continue to tweak it over time, but I had to check in today to give you the backstory on the “first aid box” that I DIY-ed for $1!!

DIY First Aid Box

Yes, that box under the vanity cost me a whopping dollar! And any piece of decor that costs a dollar makes me excited. But when I think that I almost bought the alternative for $60 (!!!), my dollar DIY makes me even more proud. Allow me to explain.

Images and gorgeous bathroom design via Chris Loves Julia

When I was deciding on what to put in this space, I stumbled upon this adorable first aid box and thought it would be perfect in our black and white bathroom. That’s when I saw the price tag was $58 + tax. I looked for comps all over the internet and found a very similar one on Amazon, but still, that one was $56. I loved the look but $60 was way outside of my budget for a piece of bathroom decor.

DIY Instead of Buy

Biscuits tin from HomeGoodsSo instead of giving up, I found this box on clearance at HomeGoods and had a total ah-ha moment. Why not DIY my own first aid box?!

Black tin biscuit box

And for $1?! I had to at least try it because I had absolutely nothing to lose, right? This box was actually for dog biscuits (ha!) and the top had seen better days, which probably explains the super clearance price.

Black and white tin for biscuitsBut the back of the box was super clean and didn’t say biscuits (yay!!).
Black matte spray paintSpray painting a black topI brought the box home and cleaned it up, taking off the stickers and using a magic eraser to wipe off all the other scuffs/marks. I also removed the black top and gave it two coats of black matte spray paint for a fresh start.
black and white DIY bathroom boxLast, but not least, I put a large “+” sticker on the back of the box. My sister made me this one from her Cricut machine so I didn’t have to buy a new set of stickers. But you can find + sign stickers in most sticker packages if you don’t have access to a cricut.  The transformation was SO easy and the best part? I was $57 richer.

$57 Richer!!

Of course, the $60 option is larger and far more professional looking but I don’t mind my $1 knock-off version at all! It fits the space, holds a few “bathroom emergency” supplies for our guests (toilet paper and tampons), and adds a fun hint of decor without breaking the bank. Plus, if I’m sick of it in a few months, I can easily swap it out and still use the box for organizing.

easy diy bathroom boxWhat do you guys think? Would you have guessed this box was only $1 when you saw it during the reveal?! Better yet, would you have guessed that it was actually an old tin for dog treats — haha! I still chuckle every time I think of that part…




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