Feminine Condo Video Tour in Chicago


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I’m so happy that you guys loved yesterday’s first Reader OMG! post. I’m really excited about the series and cannot wait to share all of your gorgeous homes. Starting with my mom’s gorgeous space was a no-brainer…it’s just such a pretty condo! And, man oh man, talk about eye candy overload. Jan and Casey laughing

Today, I thought it would be fun to do a video tour of her feminine condo (similar to the video I just released of our condo). It’s one thing to see photos of a home, but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how things connect. These video walk-throughs are so helpful to get a good sense for the layout of the home and how it all flows together.A dining room space in the city

I even got my mom to appear on-camera with me to do a little introduction to her place. We had such a fun time shooting the video and were laughing the entire time. I need to do more videos with my momma, she is just the cutest!

Feminine Condo Video TourDark gray guest bedroom in a feminine home tour

So here’s the feminine condo video tour of my mom’s place! You can watch it below, or click over here to watch it on Youtube (and while you’re there I would love it if you subscribed to our Youtube channel. I’m planning lots of awesome video content in the coming months).

You’ll notice in the video that I don’t do much exploring of the bathroom spaces…that’s because we haven’t quite tackled those rooms. But that’s about to change! We’re making over my mom’s master bathroom with a refresh and it’s going to work so much better with the rest of her gorgeous condo.

I’m sharing the before photos and design gameplan for Jan’s master bathroom this Thursday. So be sure to head here for all of the scoop!




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