How to Mount a Dyson Vacuum in your Closet


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You guys know I’ve been on an organizing kick, trying to organize all the things because that was one of my home goals this year. I tackled the storage under my sink and the small nooks and crannies of our kitchen, but my favorite organization project has been hiding the cords and paper clutter in our kitchen.organized charging station

This system continues to be something we use and love every single day. It has also given me the motivation to keep the organizing train moving, which brings me to today’s project.


The Problem

I LOVE our Dyson vacuum. It’s so easy to use, it’s light, and the clear container makes vacuuming feel like a very rewarding chore because you see all the dust and debris you pick up. It’s awesome! Casey has the V8 model (you can read more about how much she loves it here!), but I opted for the V10 model. Because we have carpet in the basement and two levels to vacuum, I figured the larger model was right for us.


V10 Dyson vacuum

The only bad thing about this vacuum was I could not find a great place for it to “live”, which was impacting how much I was using this amazing tool. Because I have no outlets upstairs to hide the vacuum and its charger, I defaulted to keeping the vacuum and charging station in our storage closet downstairs.

It worked fine, but having to go downstairs to get the vacuum and return the vacuum (most of the time with Ben on my hip) did cause me to vacuum a lot less than I could have been (or should have been).

installing an outlet in a closet

I wanted to find a solution where I could hide the vacuum and charging station, but have easier access to it. I brainstormed several options, but couldn’t figure out how to make this work. That was until Casey opened my eyes to a solution that I never thought of! I wanted to share today in hopes that maybe it will introduce an “A-HA!” moment for someone else just like it did for me!


Hiding The Vacuum In The Closet

I currently do not have outlets in any of my closets, which is why I couldn’t figure out a way to keep the vacuum hidden and charging on the first floor. That’s when Casey asked if I had any outlets on the exterior wall of one of my closets. She reassured me it would be easy for me to bring that outlet into the closet because the electrical was already set up. Sadly, the answer was no. I had no outlets even close to any of my closet walls.


installing a closet outlet

BUT, I did have light switches close to these closet walls. And since there is electrical already running to these switches, it wouldn’t be super invasive to get an outlet on the other side of the wall into the closet, right?! #A-HAmoment


Hiring An Electricianoutlet inside of a closet

To be perfectly transparent, I hired an electrician for this one because running electrical to install a new outlet is well outside my area of expertise (and handling electrical projects while pregnant is a no-no for me). Plus, I wanted the outlet to be safe and up to code so hiring a professional was well worth it.

$125 and about an hour later, there was an outlet in our front closet and I could not be more excited!


Mount a Dyson Vacuumtools to install an outletdyson vacuum hidden in a closet

Another nice thing about the Dyson is that it’s pretty petite and comes with a charging station you hang right on the wall. It also comes with detailed instructions on how to mount a Dyson vacuum, so that was very straightforward.

I installed this charging doc in a few minutes and sat the Dyson right on there. This wall is only about 10 inches wide, but that was still plenty of space to make it work.


So Much More Functionalcoat closet with a hidden vacuum

I filled the closet back up with our coats, winter gear, and Ben’s favorite cleaning kit. The vacuum doesn’t interfere with any of the storage, which is a great bonus!charging the dyson inside of a closet


But the very best part is that I vacuum so much more now that I can easily grab it while Ben plays. I don’t have to bring him downstairs, grab the vacuum, carry both him and the vacuum back up, and then do the same thing to return it downstairs. I love my new setup.


how to hide a vacuum in a closet

Like I said, my hope is that today’s post may provide an A-HA moment for others who may be struggling with a similar problem. Adding an outlet in your closet can be such a game changer to keep vacuums, or even just general cords/chargers hidden, yet still accessible.

Has anyone done this for any other purpose? I’d love to hear how you use your outlets in the closet. I may have to steal your ideas in my other closets!





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