Our Spring Home Tour Video – Chicago Condo


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Well, guys, it’s official…we closed on our Chicago condo on Friday! As of now, we no longer own the beautiful condo we’ve lived in for the past 3.5 years. Since everything is signed, sealed, and delivered, I finally feel comfortable sharing more details of our sale. Plus, I’ve got a spring home tour video to share with you guys!

Selling Our Condo in 24 Hours

Selling our chicago condo

As we discussed at the end of March, we quickly decided to put our condo on the market after losing out on a house we really loved due to our sale contingency. I spent some time getting our house ready to sell during the winter months (more on that here), so luckily it was really easy for us to get our house on the market in a matter of days.

Tips to prep your home to sell quickly

We ended up having a weekend of open houses and by Sunday night, we had 5 offers for our home! It was insanity. I had hoped that people would love our place, but we were both floored by the amazing offers and interest in our place. The area we live in is such an awesome neighborhood full of shops, restaurants, and coffee bars and it truly is a dream spot in the city. I think the location, combined with the hard work we put into this place, made it a desirable property for so many people!

How to prep your bedroom to sell

It was hard to choose the buyer because so many of them wrote heartfelt letters and really wanted to call our condo home. I know the feeling of losing out on a place you love, and we didn’t take the decision lightly to choose the new owners. But we did land on an amazing young couple who is eager to start their life here together. That made me feel good.

Because we were in such a good selling position, we were able to negotiate a quick close (30 days) with the option to rent back for up to 30 days. Finn and I figured this was the best option for us because we could make sure the close happened fast (leaving less time for the deal to go awry) and still have a bit of time to look for a new house and pack.Bathroom in our spring home tour video

So even though we no longer own our condo, we are still living here as if nothing has really changed. It feels kinda crazy. We are actually out of town all this week (Vegas for a work trip and then San Francisco for fun! Be sure to check out Insta Stories for all the behind-the-scenes scoop), but when we get back it will be time to start packing our bags and I’m sure that’s when it will really hit me.

Where Are We Going?

Well, we found a new house!!!! We’re under contract and haven’t closed just yet, so I don’t want to go into details until everything is finalized (hopefully next week!). The house needs a lot of work, so sadly we aren’t able to move in right away. Our contractor estimates it will take his team about 2 months to get everything done, so we’re hopeful we can move in by August. Fingers crossed (and again…I plan to share every single detail once we close).

In the meantime, we’re moving in with my mom! As you guys know, she has a gorgeous condo and an extra bedroom for us. She also lives really close by, so it will be nice to be in our same neighborhood for the next couple of months. We were actually roommates with my mom for a few weeks while looking for a place when we moved from St. Louis to Chicago a few years ago. So she is excited to have her roomies back! Plus, I promised to help her out with a few spaces while we stay there, and Finn will be cooking for us both.

In terms of our stuff, we have to be outta our condo by June. So we’re moving our furniture and items to the basement of the new house (and some items to storage), while they work on the 1st and 2nd level of the house. It’s going to be complete chaos and I hate the idea of living out of a suitcase for over a month, but we will adapt! And I’m truly so grateful we were able to make the timing all work out.

Spring Home Tour VideoHome Sweet Home letter board sign

I thought it would be nice to do a spring video home tour to capture our condo before everything is packed up and gone. I never want to forget this place, and having a video walkthrough of our entire condo will be the perfect way to remember it! Bloopers during our spring home tour videoPlus, I was even able to wrangle Finn into introducing the video with me, and we had a blast on-camera (as noticed by the bloopers. haha). You can head over to our Youtube channel right here to view or watch it below. (Plus, I would love it if you subscribed to our Youtube channel. We’re planning to do more video with our new house and I’m eager to share all the things!).

If you’ve ever been confused by our condo’s layout or how rooms connect…the video definitely helps with that! I always love home tour videos like this because you get a good sense for how an entire house flows together.

Oh, and if you have any questions about sources or tutorials this post should answer all of those questionsEnjoying our Chicago condo home tour

I’m not ready to say goodbye to our Chicago condo just yet, and I’m happy we still have a month to pack our bags and transition to the next step on our adventure. Thanks for cheering us on along the way, friends!




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