Spring Home Decor from Target – Best Items to Buy


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A few weeks ago, I visited Target for the first time in a while. I didn’t really shop there during January and then I completely avoided it during February (to steer clear of temptation during Frugal February). Holy smokes, I was amazed when I hit up the home aisles. I wanted to buy absolutely everything. I know Target has been on point with their home stuff the last few years, but this was next level GOOD!

I shared a glimpse into my shopping experience on Insta Stories (you can see it under the “shopping tips” highlight if you want to view it now), but I also thought it would be fun to share in a blog post! Because I obviously can’t scoop up all of these amazing finds for my own home, I’m hoping you guys can buy some of these gems for your spaces! Tray and bowl in front entryway

I did end up buying this tray for our fireplace area and I’m in love! The muted color, the round shape, the quality…it’s winning on all accounts. I’m confident I’ll be using this tray all throughout our home for years to come.

Spring Home Decor from Target – My Top Picks

After seeing all of these items together, I realized that a lot of them are from the Project 62 collection. The soft muted colors and natural elements really spoke to me and I think most of their line can work in any home. I’ll also include some tips on where you can style my top picks below, just in case you need some inspiration on where to display these awesome items.

spring home decor from Target

Have you shopped the spring home decor from Target lately? I’m telling ya, their stuff is so good these days. It’s almost deadly to go in there because you know you’re about to drop at least 50 bucks…




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