Built-in Kitchen Cabinet Organization | The DIY Playbook


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Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Lowe’s Home Improvement. All opinions and photography are our own and are not influenced by Lowe’s Home Improvement.

Let’s Chat Built-in Kitchen Cabinet Organization

I briefly gave you guys a tour of some of the built-in kitchen cabinet organization we splurged on when our kitchen cabinets were first installed.  As someone who loves all things organization, I was immediately smitten with these “extras” in our Lowe’s cabinets and was so happy the cabinet designer introduced us to all of the organization options available within these cabinets.

I honestly had no idea there were so many organization options, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to highlight this topic today. If you are in the kitchen planning stages, I would highly recommend looking into what organization options are available for you because these extras are SO worth the investment.

organizing lowe's kitchen cabinetsSo it was no secret that I was so excited when our cabinets were installed! But that was even before we filled them with all of our kitchen necessities. Fast forward almost 2 months, and I have fallen deeper and deeper in love with these cabinets. And after I show you around our organized kitchen and explain how “interacting” with these cabinet upgrades make me smile on an everyday basis, I think you’ll see why I could not recommend these systems enough.

Our New Organization Systems

But before we dive into the details of the systems I chose, I did want to be clear that adding these systems to your cabinetry does come with additional costs. And trust me, I understand that the last thing you want to do is “splurge” on extras during a kitchen renovation. Anytime I tackle a large scale home improvement project, I feel like I’m bleeding money and want to do everything I can to STOP THE SPENDING.

But in this case, I encourage you to try and swing this splurge… if you can. I’m definitely not encouraging anyone to go into debt for these upgrades (nothing is worth that), but if you can save somewhere else in order to get these cabinet upgrades, I would do what you can to make that happen.

Your kitchen reno will still look amazing without these, but I can’t tell you how much time and everyday frustration some of these systems have already saved me… and it’s only been two months! Investing in something that you will use every day and appreciate EVERY DAY is worth it if you can swing it.

Okay, enough chatting about money… let’s talk about the fun stuff — the organizing!!

Drawers Over Traditional Cabinets

kitchen cabinet organization made easyOkay, technically this first one isn’t a custom organization tool, BUT I still wanted to chat about it because I really appreciate the function (and style) it provides in our kitchen. Most traditional kitchens have lower cabinets, with small drawers on top of those. But I opted to swap out some of those traditional cabinets, with oversized drawers. I like the contrasting look these offer, but more importantly, appreciate the function.

organizing pots and pans in large drawersI don’t have to fight through the Tupperware cabinet or pots/pans cabinet trying to find what I’m looking for. Instead, I simply open the oversized drawer and can easily see all of my options. I choose what I need, close the cabinet, and save myself A LOT of frustration in between.

Plus, putting dishes back into these drawers after they’ve been washed is so much quicker and less of a hassle.

built-in cabinet organizers in the kitchenIf you’re planning a new kitchen, think about swapping some of the lower cabinets with big drawers. There should not be much of a price difference, yet they’ll make a high impact in both the function and style of your space.

Pull Out Drawers Inside of Cabinets

Next up is probably the most common upgrade these days, but definitely a perk that I’m loving in our cabinets. Traditionally, cabinets come with shelves that you can adjust based on the height of the contents within it. I have several cabinets with this traditional system but upgraded to a roll-out drawer inside of the additional cabinets.

kitchen pantry easy access drawersThese “shelves” can also be adjusted based on height but are an upgrade because they roll out, making it very easy to see exactly what is inside the cabinet.

We opted to do this in our pantry and I’m so happy we did. Gone are the days of trying to dig deep into the cabinet to find what you’re looking for. I simply pull out the drawer and can easily see everything, grab what I need, and close the drawer with no fuss.

roll out drawer in cabinetI love, love, love these! If you can only splurge on one upgrade, I would probably say this one because it has such a high impact on staying organized since you don’t need to rip the whole cabinet apart trying to find something.

Double Decker Silverware Organizers

My silverware drawer is a lot more beautiful thanks to not one, but TWO built-in silverware organizers! Who knew a double-decker built-in silverware organizer was a thing?! I sure didn’t but I’m so glad I do now because it’s so dreamy.

organizing silverware the easy wayOn the top drawer, we store our everyday silverware. Then under that layer is another built-in organizer where we store our knives and large serving spoons.

Double Decker Kitchen Utensil Organizers

And just when I thought my silverware drawer was amazing, I’m fully obsessed with the same double-decker organizer in our kitchen utensil drawer. No matter what solution I tried to keep our old utensil drawer organized, I failed. The utensils would become a hot mess and finding anything was a 5-minute fight within the drawer.

cabinet organizers for utensilsWell, those days are LONG gone thanks to the built-in organizer. The dividers keep everything in its own “home” and make finding anything so much more convenient (and less frustrating!).

making sure your kitchen drawers stay organizedThere’s really no rhyme or reason for the storage of these utensils. And to be perfectly honest, I’m still arranging and rearranging these utensils as I use them and figure out which ones should be on top and which ones should be on the bottom.

Kitchen Utensil Pull Out Organizerskitchen utensils cabinet

Another built-in option that I had no idea about is this pull-out canister cabinet. We ended up choosing this because the cabinet we needed to add in this space was going to be very small.

kitchen utensils in the drawerThis pull-out canister allowed us to make the most of our small cabinet by offering a drop zone for all of our large kitchen utensils. It’s already proven to be very convenient!

I could have added spices to the bottom of the pull-out shelf but ended up going with small boxes of sandwich bags because…

Spice Drawersorganizing a spice drawer

We have a full drawer for keeping our spices organized and it’s glorious! Our spices were always a pain point in our old kitchens so we appreciate the function and ease of this drawer so much.

built-in spice drawer organizerspice drawer organization made easyMatt can now open up the drawer and see all of our spices without having to dig through a basket in the cabinet like he used to.

So Many Optionschoosing built-in kitchen cabinet organization from lowe's

Lowe’s literally had an entire book of built-in kitchen organization options to choose from, these are only a few of that worked in our kitchen and for our lifestyle. I would highly recommend looking into the options available when you go to choose new cabinets.

And yes, they come with additional expenses but in my humble opinion, they are well worth the frustration they can save you on an everyday basis.

how to choose built-in kitchen cabinet organizationMy best advice while planning would be to document the pain points in your current kitchen that frustrate/waste your time the most. That list will arm you with the information needed to prioritize which built-in organizers would be best for your kitchen.  From there, you’ll be able to choose what you want! And then it’s time for the best part… organizing (and staying organized without much effort).

DIY Organizing Coming Soon!

kitchen cabinet organization easy tips and tricksBut for those of you who don’t have a kitchen renovation on the horizon, I still have a few DIY organization projects on the calendar. I recently transformed one of my cabinets into a mail drop zone and a full charging station. I can’t wait to share how amazing it has been to keep our counters clutter-free!

Plus, I still want to perfect our under-the-sink organizer, our pantry systems, and childproof these cabinets. So stay tuned if you love organizing as much as I do!


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