Baby Ben Is Being Promoted To Big Brother


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Yes, you read that right… Ben is no longer a small fry around here and will be promoted to Big Mac in May!Announcing a new baby and a big brotherMatt and I are beyond grateful to share this special news with you and feel extremely blessed to be giving Ben a sibling who will be so close to him in age. Having kids very close in age is what we always wanted when we talked about having kids someday.

But as we’ve gotten older, we have realized that these “plans” aren’t always in our control. We could not be more thankful for this May miracle.

So Many Questions About Baby Mac

Ben is being promoted to a big brother in May

Because I don’t want to drop this bomb without giving you some “extra scoop”, here are pretty much all of the details we know so far…

Baby Mac’s Due Date

Right now I’m 17 weeks pregnant and due on Memorial Day, which is crazy to me since Ben’s due date was on Valentine’s Day! Ben was not interested in being a holiday baby; he didn’t make his debut until a week later! I guess we’ll see how Baby Mac feels about having a holiday birthday when the time comes.

Memorial Day or not, we are extra excited for this May due date because it means that Matt and I will both be home with these little ones all summer long…. together. I can’t imagine a better way to welcome #2.

Are You Finding Out The Gender?

Big Brother Announcement

Just like we did with Ben, we plan on finding out the gender this time around too. As much as the surprise would be equally special, Matt and I are suckers for daydreaming and making plans as we await the arrival of this little one.

On Becoming A Big Brother

Ben is becoming a big brother

We promise Ben is more excited to become a big brother than this picture suggests! Matt and I both feel that our siblings are one of the greatest gifts we have in our lives; they truly are our best friends. We are so grateful to give Ben this same gift and can’t wait to watch him be a big brother.

He has no idea that he gets to meet his best friend forever in a few months. A sibling that will be by his side forever, someone who will share his room with him (Ben doesn’t know that part yet), and hopefully someone he will be proud to call his best friend… just like we are.

Other FAQs

How are you feeling?: Better! I was pretty nauseous in the first trimester and got sick pretty often. But I think I’m slowly coming out of the woods, although I still lose my marbles every so often and still feel exhausted. I don’t remember these symptoms with Ben, but it was also summer when I didn’t have to get up for work (or wasn’t chasing around a 9-month-old) so I may not have noticed as much?

Where will Baby Mac sleep? The new baby will eventually share a room with Ben. I’m taking any and all suggestions on having two babies in one room because I have NO idea what to expect. All I know is that Ben is an amazing sleeper and I want to do everything I can to make sure he stays that way… while teaching the baby his ways.

How will you handle TWO so close in age?!: Great question, haha… I’ll take all the advice you have to offer! But my one-word answer to that question is: Matt. The man is literally Superman when it comes to all things parenting. As long as he’s by side, I have no doubt we will make it work (and thankfully he’ll be home all summer long!).

Will you blog about Pregnancy #2?: I’m sure I’ll check in here and there, but without a nursery to plan or any new products to buy, I really don’t foresee a lot of new pregnancy content to report. But I’ll definitely keep you all updated, especially as we figure out how we will transition the nursery.

How did your family (and others) react?: Our families were shocked but also very excited/supportive. Other than our family, we haven’t told many people yet… until today!

How will you juggle two kids, a full-time job, and the blog?: I guess when you love something as much as I love blogging, you just make it work!

Thank You!

Thank you very, very much for all of your love and support for our family over the years. We feel extremely blessed to share this news with all of you, but also realize that there are many, many couples who are still on their journey to meet their miracle. Please know that our thoughts and lots of prayers are with you. We truly admire your strength; that little miracle has no idea how lucky he or she is to have such amazing parents waiting for him or her.




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