Winter Video 2018 – Pregnancy, Baby, & Chicago Fun


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And just like that, winter is officially over and it’s springtime! This is one of the weirdest seasonal transitions for us here in Chicago because it definitely still feels like winter. We’ve only had a handful of warm days and the landscaping won’t really start to liven up for at least another month or so. 

But since the season of winter is behind us, we wanted to pop in with our seasonal video montage. 

As a reminder, we put together these short video montages every few months. It’s a fun “video scrapbook” of what we’ve been up to and it’s a unique way to capture all of the craziness we do on a regular basis. 

Here are some our past videos if you want to catch up!

Catch up on our Past Seasonal Videos

This winter video was especially fun to put together now that Ben is in the picture! Talk about the ultimate actor. This little guy is quite the scene stealer in this season’s video.

The winter video spans all 3 months of the season, so you’ll notice that Bridget goes from pregnant to being a mother about halfway through. We’ve got shots of the new nursery, some birthday celebration highlights, and random fun that Casey & Finn had around the city of Chicago. Oh, and a look at Casey’s sweet basketball skills at the end of the video…

We hope you enjoyed the mini look at what the 4 (now 5!) of us have been up to over the past few months. We are so ready for springtime and those warmer days ahead…




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