How to Mount a Baby Monitor and Hide the Cords || The DIY Playbook


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During blog week, we asked our readers what “baby content” they wanted to see here on the DIY Playbook. One of the most popular responses we received were requests on how to maintain functionality without sacrificing (too much) style when it comes to baby/kids’ stuff.

Which brings me to this week’s nursery update (make sure you’re all caught up on last week’s nursery post here). Today I’m showing you how I mounted our baby monitor while hiding those unsightly cords. This trick is a super simple way to keep the nursery functional, while keeping it stylish too. 

How to Mount A Baby Monitor

This is the baby monitor we registered for. This is not a sponsored post and honestly, I have no clue if I would recommend this model to others since we haven’t used it yet. It’s just the one we went with after hearing great reviews about it from others (I’ve heard really good things about this one too). I’ll keep you guys updated on how our monitor works out for us. One thing I do know already is how happy I am with the super easy mounting tool this baby monitor came with.

Mounting Made Easy

See that black octopus looking thing? Well, this GENIUS contraption came with the monitor and made mounting it in the nursery the easiest. project. ever.

That “octopus” is actually a heavy rubber piece that can be bent, twisted and adjusted to fit your nursery needs. But first, you need to connect it to the bottom of the baby monitor, which takes about 5 seconds! There was a screw in the black piece and a hole for that screw on the bottom of the monitor. I simply tightened the screw by hand and 5 seconds later, I was ready for mounting.

The black piece can be manipulated to fit your space and in my case, that was on a curtain rod…

It literally took me a couple minutes and a little muscle to wrap this black piece around the black curtain rod in the nursery. It was seriously that easy!And the best part is that this “claw” doesn’t have to be permanent. I can undo the claw and remove the baby monitor at any time — no damage, no hassle, no problems!

Mounting Tip

One mounting tip I would offer to others who may be tackling this same project would be to bring the baby video monitor up on the ladder with you. The cool thing about the mounted camera is that it can be adjusted up/down or left/right at any time so that you can view any part of the room. However, setting the camera up with the view you want from the very start is helpful and having the monitor up there with you will assist you in making this happen.

How to Hide a Baby Monitor Cord

I was super lucky because we have an outlet hiding behind the curtains, which provided the perfect opportunity to hide the cord.

Since this is my first experience with baby monitors, I’m not sure if this is standard practice but I really appreciated that the cord for this monitor was extra long. I was able to plug in the camera at the very top of the rod and run the cord behind the curtain all the way down to the outlet.

You’d never be able to tell that there is a cord hiding behind these curtains, which makes me so happy because I hate the look of exposed cords. We may think about adding one of these cord protectors and painting it to match the wall color when the little guy is old enough to “explore” behind the curtains. But for now, I’m happy with simply hiding the cord behind the curtain.

But for others who may not have the luxury of hiding the cord behind the curtains, running the cord down the wall and hiding it under a painted cord protector would also work!

Where Function Meets Style

The monitor is not invisible but it’s pretty discreet, right?! I love that the baby monitor blends in with the decor and isn’t sticking out like a sore thumb. Plus, I really love that even though it’s hanging up by the ceiling, we can still control it from the monitor screen.

We can move the camera all around the room. Plus, I hear this baby monitor has a two-way microphone system that allows you to listen to your baby OR talk to your baby through the microphone. Crazy, right?! And we can even stream this picture through our home’s WIFI so we can see it on our phones too. #mindblown

The good news is that you don’t need this exact baby monitor in order to be able to mount one. I researched and quickly found out that there are several products available to help mount baby monitors. This corner shelf seems easy to install, this mini mounting shelf could definitely work, and you can even try buying your very own black claw like the one I used. If those pieces are as easy to use as mine was, mounting your baby monitor should be a no-brainer!

For the experienced moms tuning in, have you tried any of these methods? Or maybe a new trick? We’d love to hear other tried and true ways on how to mount a baby monitor and hide the cords. Every room is different so the more options, the better!




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