Best of the Blog, Our 2017 Yearbook


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Staying with DIY Playbook’s end of the year tradition, here is our 2017 BLOG recap ….yearbook style. Think best dressed, most likely to get married, valedictorian … but for blog posts.

For the third year in a row (you can check out 2016 right here and 2015 right here), we just couldn’t help capturing some of our most memorable posts while having a little fun (and poking a little fun at our own work).

After months and months of behind-the-scenes work, we debuted a brand new website! We love the new streamlined look and are so happy with how thing are running so far. This was definitely a 2017 labor of love that we’re really proud of.

Most Likely to Travel the World – Italy & Iceland

Casey & Finn’s word of the year was “explore” and explore they did! The four of us went on a trip to Iceland in June, and then the Finns headed to Italy in September. Memorable trips with oh so many pretty pictures!

At the start of the year, we got a bit deep chatting all about our bodies, their flaws, and how we learn to make the most of what we’ve got! We were so nervous to hit publish on that post, but luckily you guys were amazing and only had positive things to say! Body love for the win.

You guys remember Bridget’s barn door in her office space? It was quite the DIY project, but it totally made the room! If you want to make your own door in the new year, be sure to read step 1, step 2, and step 3 for this advanced project.

In the spring, we gave you guys a glimpse into our not-so-glamorous days. When we’re not blogging you can find us at our day jobs, which look very different than what you see here on the blog! You can check out Casey’s day here, and Bridget’s day here.

One of our favorite days this year was right around Mother’s Day when we had a double date with our mamas and blogged about our mother-daughter style. We had a lovely brunch and then hit up the Lincoln Park Conservatory. Any time we can spend some quality time with our favorite ladies counts as a great day in our playbook!

Usually, you only see our homes styled to perfection, but for this home tour I took photos on a regular ol’ Sunday and didn’t move a thing. The kitchen was a mess, football was on the TV (obvi), and there was stuff just about everywhere. It was a refreshing change this home tour

It’s been a whirlwind of a fall season for the Matkovich clan, between the baby, selling their house, and buying a new house it has been straight Crazytown! Luckily, they were able to sell their old house in only 48 hours, which made the entire process a lot less stressful.

Most Likely to Be Everyone’s BFF: Article Chair

It truly is a crowd favorite! Everyone is always commenting on Casey’s leather chair from Article. And not only is it a reader favorite, but it’s just about the best piece in Casey’s house!

Speaking of crowd favorites, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite room reveal…this city bedroom. Between the 4-post bed, the leather bench, and the super tall ceilings we can see why everyone adores it so much!

This year Bridget swapped her guest room and office space and the results were truly stunning. Plus, the office not only looked good, it was very functional too. This DIY office fauxdenza kept things very organized.

Matt and Bridget announced they are having a baby BOY and we can barely wait to meet this little guy who is due on Valentine’s Day 2018. The countdown is officially on!!

A personal and one-of-a-kind gift is the best kind of gift. B made this toddler tool bench for her nephew’s 1st birthday and it was a huge hit with the little guy. Definitely a favorite in our playbook.

This post was only a few weeks ago, but it really was full of holiday cheer & spirit!

Most Likely to be Using a Cell Phone in Class – Emoji Easter Eggs

We are both emoji obsessed, so this was such a fun craft to do for Easter! We may have to bring this one back next year, especially because creating these DIY easter eggs was so. darn. easy (and hilarious).

After many requests for a tutorial on Bridget’s top knot, she put together a post on this step-by-step process. Crazy enough, it was one of our most popular posts of the year!

The Finn household did the Whole30 diet during the month of May and lived to tell the tale! While they’re now back to their bad eating habits, it was a welcome month of clean eating. 

Wow, 2017 really was a BUSY and productive year here on the DIY Playbook. Thank you for following along every step of the way, we feel so honored to share our journey with all of you. Now bring it on 2018, we’re ready for you!




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