Come Check out Our 2017 Christmas Card We Designed from Minted


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[Disclaimer: We have partnered with Minted to bring you this post. All opinions and photography are our own and are not influenced by Minted. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog.]

We love receiving holiday cards (who doesn’t?!) and when we started the blog we knew we wanted to spread a little holiday cheer by sending out our own Playbook Christmas card. This has quickly become one of our favorite traditions that we do each and every year.

Past Christmas Cards

Here’s a look at the pictures for our cards from 2014, 2015, and 2016

Over the course of the year, we’re always chatting about what we want to do for our Christmas card photo shoot. Last year we had our act together early and actually took the photos in August! Yep, pretty crazy! But instead of freezing our butts off outside in our dresses, we were nice and warm & toasty!

With the craziness of Bridget’s new house and pregnancy, we didn’t take our Christmas card pictures until late October this year. To maximize our time, we decided to get most of our holiday content done in one swoop and rented a studio space for a day to get it all done! We shot our dream tree, content for our gift guide, and our Christmas card photo all in one day!

It was a looooong day, and luckily both of our husbands helped as well as Casey’s mom. But we had so much fun and blared Christmas music as we worked away. We had a few different options for our winning Christmas card shot…

But ultimately we ended up going with this one…

Black, white, greenery, and a pretty tablescape….yep it was definitely “us”! After deciding on the winning shot, we headed to Minted to choose our favorite design.

Our 2017 Christmas Card

There are so many options on Minted, but once we knew we wanted to use a horizontal photo and stick to our color palette, we quickly narrowed in on this “Extra Merry” design! Isn’t it fun?! Love the foil-pressed lettering at the top…it adds the perfect touch of glam! 

We opted to upgrade the card so we could include another picture and a message on the back. 

With Minted, you can have your return address printed on the envelope for FREE! Not only does this make things look more professional, but it ended up saving us boat loads of time. Plus, you can match the look of the return address to the style of your card. 

You can also do printed addresses for your recipients, but we didn’t have our address list all organized in time to do that. But if you’re raring to go with your holiday cards, that’s an awesome option. 

All in all, we’re so happy with how our cards turned out this year and we have no plans to stop our annual Christmas card tradition. Who knows, maybe next year baby Mac will join the photo shoot?!

Show Off Your Christmas Cards

Oh and if you’re looking for ways to display your Christmas cards this year, we have lots of ideas for you. Check out this post that showcases our chicken wire frames full of cards and this storage board from an old shutter.

And once the holiday season is over and you’ve collected lots of cards, don’t throw them away! Use our trick to corral all of your cards to enjoy for years to come.

Good luck sending your cards out this year! You still have plenty of time to order some pretty holiday cards (loving this one, this one, ohhh and this one too!) and get them sent out to your favorite people.




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