Clips from Italy, Bridget’s New House, and our Favorite Season


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By the end of this week, everyone is going to be in full-on holiday mode, and the fall season will be behind us. Before that happens, we want to share one of our favorite playbook traditions…our seasonal video!

As a reminder, we put together these short video montages every few months. It’s a fun “video scrapbook” of what we’ve been up to and it’s a unique way to capture all of the craziness we do on a regular basis!

Here are our past videos if you want to catch up!

Catch up on our Seasonal Videos

As you guys know, we had a busier than expected fall season. Between Casey’s trip to Italy, Bridget’s baby announcement, and her new house…we’ve had a lot going on. We tried our best to capture clips for each and every one of these amazing life events to give you a glimpse into some of the behind-the-scenes of our content.

Fall Video 2017

We hope you enjoyed this little snapshot of our fall season. Now let the holiday shenanigans begin!




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