Bridget Reveals the Gender of Her First Baby Today on the Blog


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Like I spilled in this first trimester Q&A post, Matt and I were so excited to find out the gender of Baby Mac as soon as we could. What can we say, we’re planners!

Any Guesses?

So at our 20-week appointment, we eagerly waited to hear the exciting news and could not wipe the smiles off of our faces when we heard the doctor announce…

IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!

Oh Boy!

We’re most importantly excited for the news of a happy, healthy baby. But we’re also SO excited to meet this little gentleman in February. But until then, we have lots of planning, prepping, and NURSERY designing to do (not to mention finishing the construction on the rest of the house!!) before his arrival.

So although we’re counting down the days to meet him, we’re happy to wait patiently and finish up what we can until he’s ready to make his debut.

And until then, are you guys ready to tackle this nursery with me?! I’ve never really imagined what a nursery would look like in my house, but I can’t wait to find out.




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