Our Comprehensive Guide to Find Paint Colors for Your Home


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At least once a day, we get the question on the blog or social media…”what is that paint color?” It seems everyone has paint colors on the mind. And for good reason. Choosing the correct paint color can be difficult, and if you go with the wrong choice your entire room may not look the exact way you want it.

We’ve chatted about paint colors A LOT here on the blog. And we figured we should create a comprehensive guide to all of these useful posts. Hopefully this can act as a resource for you as you navigate your own paint color journey in your own home.

Step 1. Choosing the Perfect Color

Probably the hardest part of the process is the actual choosing of the paint color. There are thousands of choices out there and it can be difficult to narrow it down to the winning one. Here are some posts to help guide you in this first (crucial) step.

Step 2. Buying the Paint

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect hue for your walls, it’s time to actually go out and buy the paint. But where shall you go? How much do you buy? And how can you get the best deal? These posts have all of those answers.

Step 3. Time to Get Painting!

You’ve got your paint and all the supplies ready to go. Now it’s time to actually paint that room. Here are our tried & true tips to get the best finish every time (without the mess!).

Step 4. Enjoying Your New Paint Color

The hard work is finally over and you can now sit back and enjoy your gorgeously painted walls. Here are a couple more posts to round out our comprehensive painting guide.

We know the struggle of finding and choosing the perfect paint color for your home. Hopefully with a little time, patience, and research you’ll fall in love with a gorgeous shade to make your walls pop!





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