A Look at A Night In our Family Room at the Finn House


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[Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Article. All opinions and photography are our own and are not influenced by Article.]

We are so excited for today’s post (or shall we say this evening’s post?), because we’re doing something that you’ve never seen before here on The DIY Playbook. We’re showing photos from our space at night.

As bloggers, we are always showcasing our homes during the day when it’s bright and light outside. Rarely do you ever see these rooms when the sun goes down, and that’s often when these spaces really come to life. Who doesn’t love the slow pace of an evening in, simply relaxing and enjoying your home?


When Kim & Julia asked us to partake in their A Night In series, we were overjoyed at the opportunity to give you a glimpse into one of our spaces at nighttime. I decided to showcase my family room, and Bridget volunteered to come over to photograph a regular weekday night in the Finn household.

Casey’s Family Room – Daytime

You guys often see my family room like this…family-room-augusta-kitchen-built-ins

The shades are up, the sun is streaming through our large windows, and it’s a very bright and light space. But at night, this room takes on a totally different feeling.

Casey’s Family Room – Nighttimefamily-room-night

It’s moodier, warmer, and a bit comfier during the evening hours.

Our Evening Routine

Finn and I have a bit of a routine when we get settled for a night in. First, we change out of our work clothes and get our comfiest clothes on. For me, that usually means yoga pants and my favorite slippersslippers-a-night-in

I then turn off any of the harsh overhead lighting, dim the kitchen lights, and I switch on our lampscasey-lamp

Finn puts our shades down, and when that happens it instantly gets extra cozy in our space. Instead of the expanse of our street outside, the family room turns into a little cocoon just meant for us two. lit-candle

A lit candle is a must, and I just added this one to our coffee table. Such a fresh scent and adds major ambiance to our dimly lit space. family-room-built-ins-a-night-in

On Thursdays, we usually relax with a cocktail because it’s practically the weekend! And if we have overscheduled weekends (which seems to be the case lately!), this is always a nice time to sit together and hang just us two. rocks-makers-glass-drink

Makers on the rocks is Finn’s drink of choice. champagne-slippers

While I prefer a glass of champs. chair-article-nightIf we’re just sitting and chatting, our new leather chair from Article is always a comfy spot for one of us to take a seat and relax. It’s kinda the coveted spot in our family room, so whoever sits their butt down first gets dibs. Ha!lamp-night

But the couch area is super comfortable too, and we upped the cozy factor with this sheepskin and a new pillow from Article. It’s those little touches that really make the space extra comfortable and luxurious for us. basket-article-family-room

We also corral our blankets in this basket, and wrap ourselves up on the couch when it’s chilly outside. In the morning, I always come out here and straighten everything up. I’ll fold the blankets and stuff them back in…only to be taken out again 12 hours later. mike-casey-finn-family-room-night-

It’s these simple nights in that are truly my favorite. I feel like they really capture the stage of life we’re currently in…just us two, working hard during the day, and relaxing together at night.a-night-in-lamp

Be sure to check out the nighttime rituals from the other bloggers taking part in the A Night In series, we are so honored to be among such a talented group and can’t thank Kim & Julia enough for having us!




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