How to Find Your Personal Design Style


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The Problem

Far too often we chat with readers or receive emails asking for advice on how they can figure out their personal design style. These readers usually report that they know they don’t love what they have in their current space, but aren’t sure what to replace it with because they don’t know their style. And because they’re afraid to make the wrong decision they become frozen in a state of indecision, which leads to them living with decor that they hate! <— we want to change this ASAP!!

How to Find your Personal Design Style

How to Find Your Personal Style | DIY Playbook | Design Tips | DIY Tutorials
We understand these concerns all too well because we have been there! And since we’ve gone through those same experiences (the struggle is real!), we want to start providing you with more information and exercises that you can use to start figuring out what your style really is. This style probably won’t match ours exactly and that’s OKAY because your style should be personal and unique to you.

Master bedroom design. Queen size bed with white and blue bedding, furniture, and light gray walls.

But before we dive into figuring out exactly what you love, we think it’s important to take inventory of what you don’t love in your home and what your style is NOT. Sometimes analyzing the information about what you don’t love in your home is just as important in order to arrive at what you do love.

Homework Assignment

A bright, neutral colored sitting area in the master bedroom with a bookshelf, blue loveseat, and sleek vanity area.

So figuring out what you don’t love is your first homework assignment (yes, we’re giving you HOMEWORK!!). This will be the first of a few exercises that we’ll provide over the next few months to help coach you through this process of finding your personal style.

Can you tell the teacher in Bridget is coming out right now?! Gotta love a teacher assigning homework even to our blog readers. haha!

Master bedroom queen size bed. Assignment: Download and print this worksheet. Walk around your entire home and note what you don’t love using the prompts on the worksheet. After walking around your home and noting what you don’t love, why you don’t love these items, and what’s holding you back from changing them, answers the follow-up questions on the worksheet.  Any and all conclusions you can draw from this exercise will be important as we move forward! 

Master bedroom gallery wall with artwork, fauxdenza with books and home accessories.

This assignment may seem a bit simple or elementary, but honestly, it’s one we did when we were figuring out our own personal design styles and we could not believe how HELPFUL it turned out to be. Sometimes it really takes seeing all of these thoughts written down in one place to find some clarity!

Desk area, shelves with artwork and computer space.

After you have this information and notice some trends, you will have a better sense of what you don’t love. Patterns, colors, or details you hate living with now should be immediately eliminated from your future personal style. Hopefully, in the next few weeks, we can then provide you with some additional exercises that will then help you figure out what colors, patterns, or general decor details you should replace them with.

Next Steps to Find your Personal Design Style

Built-in bookshelf and entertainment center with home accessories.

Because next week is The DIY Playbook’s 4th birthday week (yay!!), we will not be checking back with style scoop for two weeks, which means you have plenty of time to get your first homework assignment done! When we do check back, we’ll have more information and another exercise so that you can eventually exit that stage of indecision and enter the glorious stage of decorating with confidence and intention!

The faster you can nail down your personal style, the faster you can start building a home you love and one that is “so you”.


Check out the Full Series Here…



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