Our New White, Modern Family Room Coffee Table


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Bridget's family room and the new table

After living without a coffee table for almost two months now (more on that decision here), I finally bought a new one and I don’t think anyone is more excited about it than my husband!

Honestly, he couldn’t care less about the look of the new one and is far more excited that he finally has somewhere to kick up his feet while watching TV or at the very least, somewhere to put his TV essentials while lounging on the couch (i.e. remote controls, drink, snacks)

New modern, round table

I, on the other hand, am excited about the look… and the price… of this new beauty.

OopsBridget's old coffee table

The old coffee table, too close to our dining room table

I sold our old coffee table for $100, not because it wasn’t a gorgeous table but because it wasn’t my style and created a space that was too matchy-matchy with the dining room and kitchen. After the space was cleared, I sought to find a coffee table that was my style and the search turned out a lot harder than I anticipated.

The HuntThe hunt is on

Narrowing down options to find coffee tables that I loved was not the problem, I actually found a few very strong contenders and shared them in this post. But most of the contenders were too large for the space or way too low to the ground when compared to our couch.

This round table was perfect to finish off the room

I continued looking and realized that although I LOVED a lot of the rectangular tables, this space needed something round to break up all of the straight lines. So after even more looking (and lots of measuring + re-measuring), I decided to go with this round one.

Perfect accessories for the new table

I loved the size, proportion, and the style and really loved that the light wood tones paired well with the light wood tones on my dining room chairs. But hands down my favorite part was finding out that this table was on sale for $149!!


Since I collected $100 by selling my old table, I was able to get a brand new table that I love a whole lot more for an extra $50. I’ve also learned from my extensive research that coffee tables can be very expensive so dishing out $150 (or $50 in my case) seemed like a steal, especially in a space that has so many size limitations.

This table was perfect for these simple accent pieces

I’m happy with my decision and am even more excited that this room is feeling a lot more “me” than it did before. I’ve looked at the old coffee table for so long and knew it wasn’t my style & knew I wanted to change it, but never got around to putting it on the to-do list and actually getting it done.

The colors pop against the white table

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend living without a coffee table for 2 months (especially if your husband has anything to say about it) but I am really happy that I decided to sell my previous table because it got my butt in gear and kicked off the search.

The round, modern table complements the dining room wel

Although it was annoying/awkward to be table-less for a while, I’m proud that I didn’t rush the decision or ended up “buying just to buy”. Taking my time meant I eventually found a table that I love instead of just one that was “just okay”.

Styling a Round Table

Having a round coffee table is definitely new territory for me when it comes to styling it, so it’s been fun trying to test the waters. I’ve been using Pinterest to gather some inspiration but when I finally find an easy recipe that works, I will be sure to check back in with some tips.

My number one goal is to add some personality while trying to hide the remote controls (which I haven’t done in this set-up). I did hide the coasters in that handmade basket from Ikea, but I still want to find some type of box to hide the remote controls too! In the meantime, I’m just happy that we have a coffee table to enjoy.




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