College Dorm Room Makeover with Dormify


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Let’s go back. Way back to the beginning of summer when the school year felt oh-so-far-away! That’s when we first told you guys about our big plans for a dorm room makeover for a special gal and her roomie, and showed you our inspiration for the teeny tiny space.

We also introduced you to Dormify…a company we wish was around when we were back in school. Over these past few summer months, we spent some time planning, scheming, and ordering some seriously gorgeous items from Dormify for Grace’s dorm room.Dormify has fun products to decorate any dorm room.

And then last weekend, like 2 giddy schoolgirls, we headed back to college to makeover the rooms of these awesome girls.

These two college girls will have their dorm rooms made over by Dormify.

We headed to Regina Hall on the beautiful campus of Saint Mary’s College. We are big fans of Saint Mary’s College because it’s right across the street from Casey’s alma mater, Notre Dame. Plus, Casey’s grandma went to SMC…so there’s lots of love for this school around here!

Upon arriving, we realized that freshmen dorm rooms really haven’t changed since we were both college-bound in 2006.

A tiny dorm room with a bed, desk and large dresser.

They’re still teeny-tiny. The generic dorm room is not at all decorated yet.

They’re still packed with generic wooden furniture. And they’re still ready for college kids to add their personality to every square inch.

After catching up with Grace & Fran, feeling nostalgic about the good ol’ days, and chugging some coffee …it was time to get to work. After several hours of working sweating our buns off in the non-AC dorm, we were excited to share the new look with these two ladies!

Dorm Room Makeover

The adorable bed spread and accent pillows look great in the dorm room.

Twinkle lights behind the bed add light to the dorm room.

A fun hashtag light-up wall decor piece for the college dorm room.

A wall mounted organizer to put books and folders in the dorm room.

A desktop calendar, tape and other office supplies help college students stay organized.

All the decor goes together and the college dorm room is beautiful.

Space to leave books by your bed is useful in a dorm room.

The college student loves her newly decorated dorm room.

Here’s a detailed source list of all of the items we used. Dormify made it easy to get lots of on-trend decor and college essentials in one easy stop shopping.

Full Source List

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We are so incredibly excited for these 2 girls and hope they enjoy these spaces throughout the entire school year. We certainly enjoyed stepping out of our comfort zone to tackle a small space packed with lots of personality & color.Both college students are thrilled with their new space.

Grace + Fran,
Thanks for letting us feel like college kids again…even if it was just for a day. We can’t wait to hear all about your first semester in your new home away from home! 


[Disclaimer: We teamed up with Dormify to bring you this post. All opinions & thoughts are 100% ours and are not influenced by Dormify. Thanks for supporting the brands that support this blog.] 





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