How to Create a Neutral Office Space: DIY & Sources


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Much to our surprise my recent neutral office makeover has been one of our most popular “room reveals” to date! We get a lot of questions about items in this room or projects we’ve tackled in here (most notably the DIY barn door) and when we go to address these questions, we have quickly realized that there isn’t one specific post we should point readers to see ALL of the details of this space. Our bad. How to design the perfect neutral office! Here's the full tutorial and source list from our most popular room reveal yet.

We counted that the journey of transforming this old guest room (that barely got any attention) into an office (that we use every single day) ended up being a 15 post series! That’s a lot of details! If you weren’t following from the very beginning of our journey, some of those posts could easily get lost in the shuffle.

Today we decided to bring ALL of this information into one post, so that it’s easy for our readers to find all of the information.

This post links ALL of the updates (one by one!) from the very beginning. And we also included a source list for everything in this room. If I accidentally missed something, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I will be sure to update the post.

So let’s start at the very beginning and take a little walk down memory lane, shall we?

This neutral office design was really a hit! It's super simple. sleek, and the perfect place to own the day and get a ton of stuff done!

Floating cabinet and mirror in an office space with neutral colors.

This sliding barn door in this neutral office space is the perfect touch of farmhouse style in this otherwise modern office space.

This barn door was a DIY project that was outside of my comfort zone, but I’m glad I gave it a try.  I love the look (and function) of this new piece, but my favorite part is how much bigger this door makes our closet feel. Getting rid of the 2 bi-pass doors that used to be here was the best decision I made. If you’re looking to tackle your own DIY barn door, check out the following posts (in order):

Okay, I think I linked everything from the start of this makeover until now! If I add anything to this space after today, I will be sure to update this page so you can reference all of the items, projects, and posts in one spot.

As always, thanks for following along! This makeover was a long time coming and at times felt like it took a lot longer than expected. But now that it’s finally done, I could not be more happy with how it turned out. Thank you for following along, weighing in, and cheering me on every step of the way! You guys are seriously the best.




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