How to Style Your Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY


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Think of today’s post as a TWO for ONE deal. Who doesn’t love a good bargain? Two post topics in the form of one post — how the heck can you beat that? Haha weeeellllll…. maybe don’t answer that part.

First topic: Maggie’s Bathroom Before + After

Second Topic: Tips on Styling Bathroom Shelves <– because yes, styling shelves in the bathroom could be a little awkward, yet can make such a difference!

Maggie’s Bathroom: A little paint on the vanity, some new hardware, and a coat of gray paint on the walls brought this bathroom up to speed with the rest of Mag’s trendy condo without any hardcore renovation. Maggie isn’t necessarily in L-O-V-E with the tile on the floor or in the shower and could do without that specific vanity top, but hey… starting from scratch is not always an option (trust us, we get that all too well around here). And re-doing tile or tackling a full bathroom reno literally wasn’t an option in this condo. Sooo… what’s the next best option? Use what you have and do what you can in order to fall in love with the space. And that’s exactly where we are today — loving the simple, attainable upgrades that totally revamped the space on a budget.

By replacing the storage over the toilet with these IKEA shelves, the bathroom seems more open and has a lot more personality. Plus, we love how these shelves can be stylish, yet still offer some “secret” storage…a WIN, WIN in our Playbook.

How to Style Your Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

How to Style Bathroom Shelves: We are by no means experts in this topic, however, we’re always willing to share our observations to help a fellow DIY rookie re-create a look they love. Whether you have one shelf, five shelves, or somewhere in between, we totally think these tips could work for any bathroom shelf situation. Hide shelves: How to Style Your Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

1. Storage: Living in small spaces, we know all too well what it’s like to make the MOST of literally every storage opportunity. Styling bathroom shelves is really no different. Storage is key, so try to incorporate items that can double as storage. These drawers from HomeGoods can be perfect for makeup, hair accessories, tampons… anything really. The jars on these shelves also offer some storage while doubling as some eye candy. The basket at the very top of the shelves can hold extra towels, toilet paper, whatever! Bottom line: we don’t care what you store, just incorporate some storage to make your life easier (and more organized!).

2. Few, Simple Accessories: Bathrooms can quickly become a catch-all for toiletries, makeup, first aid products, lotions, sprays, etc. These products seem to quickly add up and sometimes even seem to multiply in the dark depths of the vanity! Don’t let that be the case for the shelves in the bathroom. Keep the shelves simple and don’t overclutter them…. a few, simple accessories is just enough, especially if your space is extra small. (like ours!)Use actual bathroom accessories:How to Style Your Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

3. Use actual bathroom accessories as “eye candy”: Accessories add personality & style, but some items that show-off your style could be a little awkward to display in the bathroom. Using “bathroom-type” items takes the awkwardness out of the situation while adding some serious eye candy (win-win).  Take these shelves for example, the shower brush,  the jar with q-tips, the basket, the other jar with cotton balls — these items are appropriate to the bathroom and they are simultaneously adding style (color, texture, layers of accessories). We found almost all of these items at our favorite shopping spot…HomeGoods!

4. If you incorporate frames, avoid using photos of people: You don’t want guests using your washroom while staring at a photo of you. Maybe not exactly who you want these guests to be thinking  about while they’re taking care of business. (that could get awkward). Frames are totally okay to use the bathroom (actually, we highly encourage them!), but try to keep these frames filled with abstract art or photography that doesn’t involve people.  If you use frames, don't use pictures of people: How to Style Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

4. Add natural elements: Plants, succulents, wood elements, even this wicker basket help bring a small sense of nature onto these shelves. We are always advocates of incorporating a little bit of “life” into your space and as far as we’re concerned, the bathroom is no different. You can never go wrong with a few natural elements. Extra credit for something that is alive. <– but make sure you choose a plant that can live in the humidity of a bathroom.

Add Natural Elements: How to Style Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

We love the rustic elements of Maggie’s shelves, but there are some items that we bought that we didn’t end up using (#notenoughspace). Here are some other ideas or “items” we think could work on bathroom shelves:

-Natural Sponges
-Extra Towels
-More baskets
-Makeup Brush Display
-More plants/flowers
-Bowl/Jar of Nail polish
-Display Jewelry <– clear box?  
-Bottles of soaps/lotions
Finished:How to Style Your Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook

Did we miss any tips or items?! We would love to hear what things you keep in mind when decorating a bathroom.

The feel of the bathroom should definitely flow with the rest of the house and like every other part of the house, the bathroom should definitely reflect your style and your journey. It’s all about what YOU love & what you think looks good. If you don’t listen to any of these “tips”, we hope you at least follow this one:

If you LOVE the look… that’s all that really matters. <– your house, your rules!

How to Style Bathroom Shelves: Easy DIY | DIY Playbook




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