Gallery Wall Updates in B’s Office Space


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About a year ago I revealed my office desk area, which was a combination of two $6 Goodwill Cabinets and a DIY wood desk top (more details here). Little by little over the past year I have taken pieces off of the gallery wall to use in other parts of the house, until eventually, this wall had random bare spots.

What a hot mess. That’s when I realized I needed to regroup and get my office act together so I could start utilizing this space again <– because who can get any work done on a messy/cluttered/incomplete desk? Not me.

The left picture was last year’s gallery wall and the right picture is the current state of the office, too bad I didn’t get a pic of what it looked like in between… yikes.

Gallery Wall Updates


I’ve been trying really hard to use what I already own instead of buying new so a lot of the frames on the wall are ones that I had around the house. The frames are a collection from IKEA, Target, HomeGoods, and JoAnn wall officeThe new look feels simpler (not that I didn’t love the old look). Some may say this version is a  little more boring, which I get and am totally okay with.

gallery wall office

insta prints frameOne of my favorite parts of the new gallery wall is this frame. I love that I was able to frame a few of my Instagram prints. It was so simple to do yet something about it wins me over every time. We actually used this square frame + insta prints for Maggie’s Condo Makeover. If you like it here, I’m pretty confident you’ll love it at her place.

white frame

basketball frameAnd if you have been reading the DIY Playbook for a while, you know design COMPROMISE is always a part of the conversation around here since both of us share our homes with our handsome hubbies. This basketball print– a definite design compromise. This is actually a page out of a large coffee table NBA book that we have (hidden in a drawer). I love that Matt really enjoys it AND it works in this space.

Although I can imagine other prints I’d probably love up there more, I also realize that he could be asking to frame something a lot worse. So an artistic take on his favorite sport… I’ll take it (and LOVE it)!IMG_2990

Matt also loves the idea of framing photos of our travels, which totally works in my playbook!  #WINWINgallery wall officeThe tulips and make-up brushes…. maybe not so much of a design compromise. Haha, I think Matt is just excited the gallery wall is back in order and I’m back to work in the office (and not everywhere else in the house except the office).




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