Patio Makeover: Behind the Scenes


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Last week, we revealed the new and improved back patio and showed you all of the gorgeous eye candy from the Wright’s new space.


But with any good “before & after”, there’s a lot of work that goes on in between those 2 photographs. Lucky for us, we had an amazingly hardworking team made up of about a dozen workers who helped on the day of our makeover.

Patio Makeover – Behind The Scenes


Here we are at the end of the day, deliriously tired, yet still pumped that the space is d.o.n.e. Seems like we were the only ones who got the memo to throw our hands up and plaster goofy grins on our faces…

We set up a our GoPro in the yard to capture the chaos of the day. Not gonna lie, the battery did die once so there is a big chunk of the day missing #rookiemistake


But it’s still super fun to watch!

We stayed fueled all day long on Tim Horton’s donuts, coffee, and lots of snacks. We also got subs from Wegman’s for lunch and the Buffalo locals introduced us to chicken tender subs <—are we the only ones who have never had this delicious sandwich before? What a gamechanger.

Anyways, enough food chat! Back to the DIY…


As we mentioned last week, new landscaping was a big part of this project so a majority of our volunteers spent their hours digging & planting.


We were so lucky to have the help of such skilled workers, because if all of the landscaping was left to us we’d be in big trouble. Not to mention, we surely wouldn’t have ordered the right flowers, plants, and soil. Lynn the landscape designer ordered 96 bags of soil for the project. If it was left to us, we would have ordered 12 and thought that would cover the entire space. So we’re still thanking our lucky stars that we had such phenomenal help to really bring the space to life!

Besides the landscaping, there was still plenty to do including painting the door, putting all of the furniture together, building the AC fence, hanging lights, constructing the pallet sign, and (of course) more shopping!


We did have to run to the local Lowe’s store a few times for extra supplies and accessories. The store was so accommodating and was happy to help these 2 rookies fill our long shopping lists.


We’re so happy that the vision in our head was able to come to life, and it would not have been possible without our Lowe’s team and the many family & friends who dedicated their Saturday to this big project!


Exploring Buffalo!IMG_3722

When we weren’t at the house working, we did our best to squeeze in some sightseeing in Buffalo. In the morning we stopped at Tim Horton’s for donuts and coffee. We had never been there before and they’re literally on every.single.corner.


Before we rushed to the airport to catch our flight, we had time to sneak in a quick trip to Niagara Falls. There was just no way we could be about 30 minutes away from this natural wonder, and not go see it! It really was breathtaking, and we loved strolling through the gorgeous park. I didn’t hurt that it was also 80 and sunny that day!

All in all, our trip was a success and it’s definitely one that neither of us will ever forget.

If you missed the big patio reveal, be sure to go here to check out all of the eye candy!



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