Lowe’s Spring Makeover- Apply here!


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Disclaimer: We have partnered with Lowe’s to bring you this post. All opinions & photography are our own and are not influenced by Lowe’s. Thank you for supporting the brands that help support this blog! 

We’ve done our fair share of complaining about our loonnnngggg and brutally cold Chicago winter here on the DIY Playbook, but we have a confession to make. We recently found out that Chicago didn’t even make the “Top 10 List of Harshest Winters on Record”, which makes us feel like huge cry-babies!


We swear it was cold, wet and just plain NASTY but the truth is we really should NOT be complaining. There are residents across the country who braved a much more brutal winter than us Chicagoans and deserve spring far more than we do. If you are from the following cities, you officially have the right to complain ALL YEAR LONG about surviving such a crazy-cold winter:

Boston, MA
Buffalo, NY
Detroit, MI
Hartford, CT
Louisville, KY
Nashville, TN
Newark, NJ
New York, NY
Portland, ME
Providence, RI


According to the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index (AWSSI), these famous cities have officially made it on a VIP list of harsh winters and have been recently coined “Top 10 Bleakest Cities of 2015” because of their relentless winter. Congrats? We’re sorry? Happy Spring? Finally? <– we’re not even sure what to say.

If you’re tuning in (and finally thawing out) from one of these cities (or nearby suburbs), today’s pity party totally has a silver lining — just for YOU. Because you (and your home) had such a rough winter, Lowe’s + 10 bloggers + a slew of volunteers are teaming up to provide a space in your hometown the Spring Makeover it so deserves. An entryway, your mudroom, the patio… you name it, Lowe’s is ready to pamper you and your much deserving space! 

Patio Before 4
Patio After

Residents from each of these cities can share their stories and spaces here. The Lowe’s team will review the submissions and choose 10 spaces to undergo a Spring Makeover Blitz and then we step in.

Once that weathered space has been identified (#punintended), each blogger will be assigned to a designated city and space that needs some Spring TLC. We will travel to this home, meet the family and team up with Lowe’s to carry-out the Spring Makeover Blitz…. in 24 hours or LESS! Because we only have 24 hours to make this happen, we won’t be doing any “hardcore” construction or renovating, just attainable decor solutions that can make a big impact. (Like these!)

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Inspiration via Lowe’sInspiration via Lowe’s

If you are a resident from one of the listed cities (or nearby suburbs) and have a space in mind that could use some Spring TLC from the Lowe’s team, submit your story here & check out this fine print too:

– you must own the home
– allow photos of your home to be shared online <– name of the game.
– must be comfortable on camera and/or being interviewed by local media
– be able to keep tight deadlines
– must be 21 years or older
– must submit your home & agree to these terms
– must be available for two days consecutively


If you’re not a resident in one of those “lucky” cities, you can still be a part of the Makeover Blitz! We will be sharing our journey over the next few weeks on Instagram, Facebook and here on the DIY Playbook. We will keep you updated on our design plan, reveal the dramatic before and after photos, and take you behind-the-scenes as we navigate this exciting 24 hour adventure.

As of this moment, we have ZERO idea which city we are headed to or what the space will look like, which is a tad terrifying for two SUPER Type A personalities who are always planning ahead. All we know is that we owe one of these cities some Springtime love, and in return, hopefully they’ll forgive us Chicago girls for complaining about our winter!

Until we find out where we’re headed, we would love, love, love it if you submitted your space!! In the most non-creepy way ever, we totally want to come over!

Bridget and Casey Signature

PS. the fun doesn’t stop with our makeover! There are 9 other bloggers tackling their own Spring Makeover Blitz. We’ll link to those reveals as they are shared, but here’s the line-up of all-star bloggers:

Beneath my Heart // Brooklyn Limestone // The Golden Sycamore // All Things G&D //
City Farmhouse // Our Fifth House // Liz Marie Blog // Pretty Handy Girl // Home Stories A to Z 




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