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Because it’s our birthday week, we figured it was time to dig a little deeper and share some more about us with our favorite readers. So we came up with the idea to compile a list of facts that you probably don’t know about each of us. Kinda like the lists you see in Us Weekly about the stars. Although we’re no stars…and our lives aren’t all that fascinating.

It was pretty difficult to come up with this list, because I feel like we share so much of our lives with you guys each and every day on the blog! So, I emailed my family and enlisted their help when it came to brainstorming my list of “25 Casey Facts.” They came back with lots of horror stories about me as a child (See #19), as well as some useful facts that I included in the list below.

So here it is…25 things you might not know about me.

1. I’m left-handed.

1910310_528163174657_9183_n2. I went skydiving when I was 18. It was awesome, but I have zero desire to do it ever again. I just wanted to cross it off my bucket list.

Winning-the-emmy3. I won an Emmy last year. It’s actually sitting on a shelf in our family room, but I always take it out of the shot when I photograph the room.

4. I still sleep with my baby blanket. Yes, I’m almost 27 years old and married with a baby blanket. My mom always said I’d have to get rid of them someday when I got married. Luckily, my husband accepts me…baby blanket and all!

5. I’ve been a dancer my entire life. In fact, I was captain of the dance team at Notre Dame. Sadly I don’t dance much anymore, but I do like to shake it at a good wedding!

6. I’m a terrible driver. Absolutely terrible. I will gladly hand over the keys at any time to anyone willing to drive my car.

7. I had a cocker spaniel named Jingles who was my best bud growing up. She lived to be 16 years old!

8. I don’t eat red meat or pork, and it’s not because of animal rights or my health (although those are perks!)…I simply don’t find it appetizing. My meat loving husband makes me lots of chicken and turkey, though.

9. My siblings are some of our best friends.  We’re all in our 20’s and 30’s and have an absolute blast every time we get together (which is about every single weekend)

10. I never wore braces, yet my teeth are pretty darn straight.

11. I would much rather be on-camera for TV, than speak to a large group of people. I went and chatted with Bridget’s high school class one day and was absolutely terrified. Give me a camera any day!

12. I have no desire to ever go to Disneyworld. In fact, Disneyworld kinda freaks me out a bit. If we have kids, Aunt Bridget can take them on a trip there.View More:

View More: My dad’s nickname for me is “Bubs.” He used to sing “Casey bubbles, you’re in troubles,” when I was a little girl and the nickname stuck.

14. I hardly ever swear.

15. I majored in Film, Television, and Theatre in college and interned at 4 different news stations before graduation.

16. I can fall asleep almost anywhere. I’m most susceptible on planes, trains, and car rides.

17. I’m happiest when I get about 9 hours of sleep. I’m in for a rude awakening when we have kids someday…

18.  I love champagne. If it’s BYOB, I’ll bring an entire bottle….just for myself. #handsoffmybubbly

19. I was a terrible child, but turned into a pretty good kid by 2nd grade. I’ve heard many horror stories about myself as a bratty toddler. My mom says I’m in for it when I have kids.

Nightstand-Styling20. I have terrible eyesight and have worn contacts since junior high. Right now, I’m saving up to get lasik.251609_10100599259745517_913260499_n21. I broke my pinkie playing in a co-ed football league in St. Louis.

Casey-Jan-Photo-Booth-Smile22. I talk to my mom on the phone Sometimes even more!

09-Scan0004 (9)23. I started skiing when I was 3.

24. I was the ultimate girly-girl as a child. I refused to wear pants for many years as a kid, and only wore dresses!

25. I’m really fast at typing. I loved doing Mavis Beacon in 3rd grade to see how fast I could type. #nerdalert


P.S. Bridget will be back here on Thursday with her list of 25 facts.  I actually learned a few things about my bestie reading the post! 



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