Behind the Scenes Look at Our Lowe’s Fix in Six Project


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Last week we shared all of the details from our vacay to NYC (yummmm, we’re still dreaming of all of the delicious food we devoured over those 5 days!) Today, we’re showing you the actual “work” we did while in the Big Apple.

Lowe’s flew us and a few other bloggers out to participate in their #LowesFixInSix Vine campaign. Now if you’re anything like us (tech morons), then you may not be familiar with the Vine social media platform. Essentially it’s a place to share videos that are only 6-seconds long. So you have a short amount of time to tell a story. Last year, Lowe’s started a “Fix In Six” campaign where they show consumers a life hack that they can easily do in their home.

These are some of our favorite examples…

Pretty amazing, right? And chock full of useful information. (We spent a good chunk of our afternoon mesmerized by all of their vines. If you’re looking for some entertainment…go watch them all!) Okay anyways, let’s get back on track. Lowe’s asked us to come up with a life hack for our Vine video and we gave them a long list of tips. After reviewing, we all agreed to go with this…”Place a magnetic strip on the inside of your medicine cabinet to hold metal items like tweezers, bobby pins, etc.” We think it’s a pretty neat tip, especially if you want to avoid digging through your bathroom drawers to find small items. Day one of Lowes six in fix brought us white bathroom toiletries These all white toiletry props are perfect for our fix in six projectA basic medicine cabinet filled with white toiletries. Basic white props for our fix in six project for LowesDay 1: We arrive on set to find some of the props that would be used to bring our tip to life. Cute little white accessories to go inside the medicine cabinet, and then the cabinet itself drilled into a piece of wood. We could already see our tip shaping form…Old patterned wallpaper for a Lowes fix in six projectA creepy doll with hair pins and clips all over! But then we saw this…Bridget and Casey aren't huge fans of this creepy hair clip dollYes, that is a creepy little doll. Yes, this doll would be the “star” of our video. At first we gave each other a confused/frightened look. Um, what did this scary doll have to do with our girly and glam tip? But after chatting with the video team and creative director, we were instantly put at ease. Our spooky video star for our Lowes fix in six projectOur tip would have a spooky Halloween element to it to celebrate the upcoming holiday! See our doll has lots of metal barrettes and bobby pins in her hair, and the creative team thought it would be entertaining if she levitated up from the ground and attached directly to the magnet strip on the cabinet. Pretty creepy, huh? Bridget and Casey behind the scenes of their Lowes fix in six project Casey and Bridget are interviewed for their Lowes special featureWhile the doll did creep us out during the entire 2-day shoot, we warmed up to her a bit. Kinda…

There was a puppeteer on-set to move the doll around for the video. He attached fishing wire to her tiny hands and moved her eyes, head, and limbs. It totally freaked us out to watch the doll in action. The super creepy Halloween doll in actionIt was all captured via green screen, so the background could be edited in post production. The video team did an amazing job with the lighting to create the “horror film look” with shadows and faux moonlight. I mean look at that doll on the screen, I’m totally spooked. The Lowes vine production featured this creepy halloween dollIt was amazing to see how much work went into creating SIX SECONDS of video content. So many people on-set, so much equipment, and so many hours spent to make this Vine video come to life. Behind-The-Scenes look at Lowe's fix in six vine productionSo are you ready to see how it turned out? If you’re scaredy-cats like us (we seriously can’t even watch horror movie previews during commercials) then these 6 seconds will probably freak you out.

We’re still having nightmares about that spooky doll, but wow it turned out amazing! We were so honored to be a part of the #LowesFixinSix campaign and it was such a treat to get a behind the scenes look at how these videos are created.

But the fun isn’t over just yet…we still have 7 other vine videos to share from the other bloggers on the trip. We’ll reveal all of the scoop on those Vines soon. Until then here’s a little sneak peek…

Bridget and Casey Signature



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