Free Downloadable Thanksgiving Place Cards with a Blue Watercolor Print


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Thanksgiving is one of our favorite times of the year. It’s the official kickoff of the holiday season, it’s dripping in tradition, and there isn’t that looming pressure to find the “perfect gift”. We LOVE Thanksgiving for all of this, but most importantly, we love the idea that there’s a built-in holiday designed just to give THANKS for everything life has to offer (not that this is the only time we give thanks, just a great excuse to do so out loud).

This year, we feel we have more than usual to be thankful for. New husbands, loving and supportive families, and friends, our health to do the things that we love, amazing blog opportunities….we often chat about how we don’t feel worthy of all that our lives have delivered recently and never, ever, ever, EVER want to take a single thing for granted. Don’t get us wrong, we do NOT live perfect lives (not even close) and we have our challenging days, just like anyone else. But when we look at the “whole picture”, we are scratching our heads thinking…. wow, we have everything to be thankful for.

In honor of Thanksgiving and all of this ooey-gooey love and appreciation, we have decided to giveaway a FREE printable.

Free PrintableWe think these cards are a fun way to:
1. Make your table look ah-mazing (priorities people)
2. But also (more importantly), they can kick-off a conversation based on what Thanksgiving is really all about — being THANKFUL!

thankful printable

You can set one place card on each place setting and offer guests a pen or pencil to jot down what they are especially thankful for this year. Then, you can either have everyone read their own aloud during dinner or collect all of the cards & read each one, having the rest of the guests guess who wrote which card. “Guests guessing”
place settingWhat a fun way to get everyone involved by reflecting on what really matters in life. If your family is anything like ours, I’m sure you’ll have a lot of laughs & make a lot of memories in the process of this simple activity.
ThanksgivingTo download these watercolor place cards (for FREE), all you have to do is click here and PRINT. Thankful Thankful We hope these little cuties bring both style & gratitude to your Thanksgiving table! And I know we are always getting all mushy-gushy when we talk about all of you that tune in every day, but seriously… can we chat for 2 more seconds about how lucky we are to have YOU in our lives?! We would never, ever be able to do what we do without your love, support, and interaction– so thank YOU. Not only during Thanksgiving season but all stinkin’ year long.


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