On the Front Porch – DIY Playbook


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Hey there lovely readers! We’re popping in for a quick Wednesday post. We were recently contacted by the awesome team over at Porch to share a little bit about ourselves (& the blog) for their “On the Front Porch” series. We did a little Q&A with their team and today we’re sharing some of our answers. OTFPjpgHere’s just a few of our answers from their lil’ questionnaire. You’ll have to visit their site to read the rest of the interview.

What’s your DIY weapon of choice?

Spray Paint, there’s nothing that a few coats of spray paint can’t fix….

If your walls could only be painted one color for the rest of your life, what color would they be and why?

A light grey. This color is timeless and has enough color to add personality, but is also neutral enough to allow the rest of the room (& all of your fab accessories) to shine. 


What are 3 words to describe your blog?

1. Relatable 

2. Attainable

3. Fun (Just 3?! Girly, glamorous, budget-friendly, positive…)

Tell us about a time when you had a DIY fail (we’ve all had them!)

Abstract Art is all the rage in the blogosphere, so we decided to tackle our own version of these bright and beautiful works. Being two perfectionists with little or NO painting experience, our vision of a well organized piece of art quickly went right out the window. Layers and layers and layers of paint later, the glamorous dreams became a very cloudy (& quite frankly UGLY) reality.

Abstract Art 1, DIY Playbook 0.   Casey

How did you name your blog?

We grew up playing sports against one another in our hometown. When we became best friends in high school, sports and activities kept us close and allowed us to make some priceless memories. The DIY Playbook is a reflection of these “athletic” roots. When coming up with a blog name, we thought it might be fun to pay tribute to our sporty beginning.  We like to think we offer our readers the inside “plays” from our playbook to tackle their own home projects. Plus, we have yet to find a sports pun that we can’t squeeze into play! (<—you see what we did there? hehe)

  bridget purse

Strangest decoration in your house?fall entryway

Bridget: I found a white paper maiche deer head at a local home store and absolutely fell in love with it. However, when I brought it home my husband was less than impressed with my purchase. I now look forward to dressing up our deer head for every season (bring on the holiday bow tie!). #SorryMatt

Hardest part about blogging?

Some people think we whip up a blog post in about 15 minutes, but the truth is blogging takes a lot of time. We both have full-time jobs and husbands, so it can be hard to juggle work, blogging, and home life. We do our best to balance all of it, but it can definitely be difficult to step away from our computers and take a break. 


Best part about blogging?

We are so fortunate to blog with each other and be on this crazy, stressful, amazing blog journey together. We couldn’t imagine navigating this blog world alone and to have the opportunity to work with your best friend is pretty darn amazing!

Here’s the rest of the questions they asked us…you’ll have to check out our ridiculous answers over on their site.

What are the words you live by?

What’s the song track of your life?

Pinterest or Facebook?

Last thing you ordered on Amazon?

What are you exceptionally good at? (Permission to brag)

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve collected?

Funniest comment you’ve received on your blog?

What’s a home trend you hope doesn’t exist in 100 years?

Oh, and before you go… check out the super quick flipagram from our Instagram we put together for our Porch feature —– >>> porch flipagram.Bridget and Casey Signature



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