Our Amazingly Awesome Trip to New York


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Casey and Bridget hold apples to show their love of New York City. Hello, hello! We’re officially back to the Windy City, but boy oh boy did we fall in LOVE with the Big Apple. This New York skyline is breathtaking. If you remember from last week’s post, these 2 rookies recently jetsetted off on a bestie-moon to NYC courtesy of Lowe’s. Tomorrow we’ll share all of the details about the Lowe’s video shoots (whoa…seriously so amazing!) But today, we just want to show off some of our pictures from the gorgeous big city. So let’s get the eye candy rolling…




This lovely Brooklyn brick wall art is inspirational and colorful. We spent 2 full days shooting the videos at a studio in Brooklyn. When we weren’t filming, we loved checking out the neighborhood and roaming the streets. We were amazed at how artsy Brooklyn was…we’re talking beautiful murals and art on every building. It’s also crazy how much graffiti (but like beautiful, colorful, art grafitti) you’ll find everywhere…on trash cans, sidewalks, walls, etc. Definitely different from Chicago.

This group of bloggers took some funny pictures in front of a yellow wall. We loved hanging out with these talented ladies during our “time off” (From L to R…Sarah from Emma Magazine, Emily from Emily A. Clark, & Laura from Bright, Bold and Beautiful.) We did a mini photo shoot on this yellow door, and decided that it looks like we’re in a girl band. So be sure to download our new single “Girl in the Leopard Pants” on iTunes. #girlband. (When bloggers get together, you just never know what kind of crazy stuff they may dream up. Yes, we’re weirdos!)

This collection of graffiti in NYC is rustic and industrial. Bridget poses in front of the NYC graffiti wall. Bridget and Casey snap a photo in front of a NYC brick building.

We did have on full day to roam the city, and we tried to check off as many things as possible off of our NYC to-do list (thanks for all of the suggestions everyone!)

First up, Central Park. Wow, what a gorgeous place to start your day. We got fresh coffee and hot pretzels for breakfast. Yes, not the healthiest way to kickstart our day, but we were happy to carbo load. We honestly could have spent all day exploring the park, but instead only got in about an hour of some peaceful time with nature.

To shake things up we went from calm…to chaos. Whoa…Times Square is insane. We had both been there before, but it really is quite a place to visit. We only stayed there for a bit to take some pics, and then we had to get away from the crowds.

Rockfellar Center in NYC is pretty in the summer time.

Grand Central Station in NYC is beautiful and busy.

Next, it was on to Rockefeller Center and Grand Central Terminal. These were two awesome attractions. We were happy to squeeze them into our schedule. These NYC houses are colorful and one of a kind.Flower markets in NYC are colorful and unique.

We then rode the subway south towards the Tribeca/Soho area for lunch and shopping. We hit up Canal street for some knockoffs, visited a few fresh flower stands, and pretended we were NYC natives while walking around the neighborhoods (I think our map and large cameras gave away our tourist status. Oops) These colorful tulips are blooming. This awesome flower market has pumpkins and other plants. We ended our day with a trip to the 9/11 memorial site. Wow, so incredibly moving. A place that mustn’t be missed. Be sure to add that to you own NYC “must-see” list.


Of course we ate and drank to our hearts content. Whoa…that wedding diet sure did fly out the window fast. I’m talking NYC style pizza, Magnolia Bakery cupcakes, and a few too many food truck donuts. Calories don’t count on vacation, right? Bridget and Casey of DIY Playbook pose in front of the NYC skyline. It was an amazing trip, and we can’t wait to visit NYC again soon.

This photo of the New York skyline is bright and pretty. Casey and Bridget fly away from NYC in a Southwest plane. Until then, we’ll just admire our new favorite city from afar. WE HEART NYC.



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