DIY Bachelorette Party Ideas & Festivities


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Remember a few weeks back, when I had my big “Finn-ale” in Sonoma, California? Well, I’m finally back to share the deets about my oh-so-scandalous bachelorette party…

casey looking like a queen on her bachelorette party night…wait the only thing that was racy at all was that dress of mine, which Bridget teasingly called “white-hot” over the course of the evening. Everything else was pretty PG. Okay, perhaps we can bump the level to PG-13 since underwear was involved in the evening festivities.

Bridget's MOH bouquet Anyways, my lovely M.O.H. (matron of honor) was the mastermind behind the entire evening. Let me just say that this girl should probably be a professional M.O.H. If such a job existed, she would be in hot demand!

Miss Bridget went way overboard with the crafts & DIY projects. Even though she had to pack all of the party favors and decorations in her suitcase, she still went over the top with the cuteness. From a “Casey’s Finn-ale” pennant, to a clothesline of panties, to pink straws and accessories..this girl knows how to style a party!

Like any good party, my M.O.H. had a few fun games and activities up her sleeve….

PERSONALIZED VIDEO – “How Well Do you Know Each Other” Game

A few weeks before our trip, Bridget, Matt, & my soon-to-be hubby secretly got together on a random Saturday to shoot a video. I remember being a little suspicious as to where Finn was going (he was wearing a suit, and brought a basketball with him?), but didn’t think too much of it.

Fast forward to our bachelorette night, when all of the ladies take me into a room in front of the TV. Bridget handed me a white board and dry erase marker, and popped in a DVD. I won’t show the entire thing here on the blog (Finn would be way too embarrassed!), but I’ll show you the first minute, which gives you the gist of it.

  • Bridget & Matt told Finn to dress up and meet them at our former high school (the place where we met)
  • They then asked Finn a bunch of questions about our relationship (Ex. “Who said ‘I love you’ first?” “What’s Casey’s worst habit?”) and filmed his responses.
  • The video then asked me the same question, and I had to write my answer on the white board within 10 seconds.

It was hilarious, heartfelt, and I’ll cherish the video forever. If you’re looking for a fun game to play at a bachelorette party or bridal shower party this might be a good one to try! Even if you don’t have any video skills, you can still write down the groom’s responses, and read them out loud at the party as the bride guesses his answers.


When I arrived at the party, I immediately noticed the long clothesline of underwear hanging from the ceiling. It was hilarious, and also super cute & colorful! Clothespins held all kinds of new bras & panties.

the panty game is a great bachelorette party gameBefore arriving in Sonoma, Bridget asked all of the women to bring in 1 pair of underwear that reminded them of me. Then, I went down the line and had to guess who brought me each pair. It was hilarious, and I loved hearing the ridiculous stories about why they chose that specific pair for me. Now I have an underwear drawer brimming with new undies!


a marriage advice book is a great thing to have at a bachelorette partyWhile I loved receiving new underwear, my favorite present was a book that the women gave me. Yet again my amazing M.O.H. went above and beyond with this gift. She asked all of the ladies to write a short letter to me with words of advice for Finn & I. Bridget then took all of the letters and put them into a scrapbook for me.

guests left loving notes in this marriage advice book

marriage advice letter from JanWhile at the party, we went around the room and some of the women read their letters out loud. It was one of the best parts of the evening, and I know I shed many tears hearing their kind words of advice and encouragement for our marriage.

a marriage advice book is a perfect guest book idea for the bachelorette party I think this is such a personalized gift that you could give to any bride-to-be. So if you’re looking for an inexpensive, yet priceless gift for a bridal shower or bachelorette party, you should definitely consider something like this book of letters.

Casey and the bachelorette party group

Cheers to the future Mrs. Finn!I may not have had a male stripper, or party favors shaped like a certain male organ (yikes!), but I did have the absolute best bachelorette party that totally fit me and my style. Fun, personal, and filled with my favorite ladies who always keep it classy.




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