We heart Organizing! – DIY Playbook


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We’ve been featured! Of course any “feature” has us thinking, “there must be some mistake, you want us?!” and this one is no different in that sense.  And in a whole different sense…. this feature is so different. We’ll explain in a second, but first let’s cover the basics. Bridget’s DIY Laundry Makeover is currently featured in the UHeartOrganizing series over at IHeart Organizing, you should definitely go check it out!
I heart OrganizingAnd while you’re there…. click around, you will not be disappointed at the jaw dropping eye candy that has this magic ability to make you WANT to clean out your junk drawer… like immediately. Hard to believe, we know, but consider yourself warned!
iheartorganizing featureNow let’s chat. Why is this feature so different?

Well, let’s first preface our answer with an honest disclaimer: every feature is just down right amazing & pretty surreal. Each feature seems to remind us once again that with enough dedication and hard work…. the possibilities throughout this unexpected blog journey are far more than we could have ever dreamed of. It sounds cliché, but heck seeing our work published in other places around the internet is just darn-right crazy!! And this one seems just a tad sweeter for a few reasons.

1. We started reading IHeart Organizing far before the DIY Playbook was even on our mind. Before Pinterest, before blogging was our life, and before we even lived in the same city, we tuned in to this blog. When I really think about it, we were big fans of the amazing Jen Jones well before we were even serious about DIY-ing. Essentially, it was reading these amazing blogs (IHeart Organizing included) everyday that inspired us to get our hands a little dirty in the DIY field, which led us to where we are today! So to be featured on a blog that helped inspire us to be where we are today…. WOW! {insert the DIY Rookies doing cartwheels in a field of balloons here}

2. IHeart Organizing still continues to inspire our DIY path. Whether it be a new project or Jen’s amazing photography, DIY Playbook continues to find inspiration from IHeart Organizing & the amazing talent behind it. Hall-of-Fame DIY in our book for sure!

Laundry Room Reveal

3. Last but very not least, this feature is extra sweet because it is completely DIY-ed using Rookie skills, Rookie knowledge and a Rookie budget. It totally reflects what we’re all about here on the DIY Playbook because it’s a project we tackled all by ourselves. From the paint, to the sanding, to the cabinet refacing… we did it (and lived to tell about it) all by ourselves. And if we can do it, we know that YOU CAN TOO!

Today is a good dayAnd just like the canvas on the gallery wall reads, “Today is a good day!”. We are so honored and excited for the feature and still can’t believe the opportunities we have been blessed with along this journey. Thank YOU for all of your continued support, none of this would be possible without YOU tuning in! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I heart OrganizingNow let’s celebrate, see you over at IHeart Organizing!!
Bridget and Casey Signature



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