How to Hang Floating Christmas Ornaments


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When I was growing up,  December was one of my  favorite times of the year. Christmas was always exciting, and I looked forward to the big day. But it was my mom’s holiday decorations that really made that time of year so special for me.

I remember I would leave for school in the morning and our house would look normal. But that afternoon I would come home to a magical winter wonderland with gorgeous decorations everywhere transforming every square inch of our home.

Today, I never quite feel in the “holiday spirit” until I step inside my mom’s house. It gets me giddy for Christmas and gives me that same feeling that I had coming home from school as a little girl.

I want to show you just one of the creative ideas that my mom has been doing around her home for years…

Holiday ornaments look beautiful hanging in front of a window or in another space.

They’re floating Christmas ornaments! I think she originally saw floating ornaments in a department store many years ago. She decided to try and bring the idea to life back at home, and it was a success!

Floating Christmas ornaments are the perfect way to dress up any area of your home.

So today let’s get inspired by the fabulous Janimal.

First you need to find the perfect spot in your home to hang these ornaments. She does hers over the kitchen sink, but really anywhere can work. Perhaps a long hallway? Just make sure they’re high enough up so they won’t hit anyone on the head.

(Side Note: When we were little my brothers and I would always hit the ornaments so they would swing all around.  We would see which ones could get the most height! Jan was never too happy about that part of this decor, but somehow they’re still going strong…)

All you need is some fishing line, scissors, clear tacks, and obviously the ornaments. I suggest going with a color scheme (she does gold & red) and choosing a wide variety of ornaments. Big, small, different shapes, different textures…mix it up as much as you can.

You can use large ornaments like this rose hanging ornament or small ones.

The first year you put these ornaments up will be the hardest. You’ll need to figure out a nice order for the ornaments and also figure out the varying heights. We definitely feel that this is a 2 man job. You’ll want someone standing back saying “higher” & “lower” as you find the perfect spot for each. Then just cut the fishing line to the correct length, tie it around the end of the tack, and tie it around the top of the ornament.

 Hanging ornaments look great over your sink or in another spot in your home.

Then when you take all of your decorations down after the holiday use this helpful tip. Number each ornament from left to right. Take down the ornaments (leaving the tack and fishing line all connected.) Then give each ornament its own plastic baggie and tuck a small piece of paper in there with the number on it. Keep all of the plastic baggies together in a box.

Next year when you bring out that box, you’ll simply line them all up in order and hang. It shouldn’t take long at all!

Christmas ornaments in coordinating colors look great in a floating arrangement,

Trust us when we say that the time and effort is totally worth it. This project is one of a kind and your guests are going to gush over this unique holiday statement.

Add some Christmas cheer with floating ornaments.



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