Holiday Party Recap with Porch and Room & Board


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So much of our time spent blogging is just us sitting behind a computer screen. Sure we’re often creating, photographing, writing, instagramming…but so many of those tasks are not interactive. Because much of our blog work is done solo (& occasionally with each other) it can be easy to forget the people on the other end of this blog. The family, friends, and devoted fans who tune in each day to read whatever crazy topic we’re chatting about.Rookies DIY Playbook Casey and Bright

Last week’s Porch event at Room & Board reminded us why we put so much time and hard work into this. We don’t do it for the pageviews or the followers, we do it because we love having an outlet to inspire others. We do it for YOU!

Room and Board hOliday event

We’re not gonna lie, we were both a bit anxious leading up to the event. What if no one came? What if it was just us and our husbands & moms? What if we looked like big capital-L losers and didn’t get a good turnout of people? Those thoughts really crept into both of our minds as the date got closer. But boy oh boy were we wrong!PorchRB_Chicago-25

casey room and board event

So many people came out that night to support us. Our hearts were just bursting as each person came into the room. Family members, friends, readers…it was a massive group of wonderful, kind people. To say we were overwhelmed would be an understatement. We just spent the entire evening grinning and thinking to ourselves, “how did we get so lucky?!” We caught up with old friends, reminisced with family members, and even met some playbook readers who were just about the sweetest gals you ever did meet!


Okay, so enough blubbering and chatting about our emotions. Let’s get to the recap of the party.

So we were given a table in Room & Board, and were challenged to create a holiday tablescape. Here was our initial gameplan…
Room and Board Mood Board

And here’s how it turned out…room and board event

Room and board holiday table

IMG_4742room and board holiday tablePretty dreamy, right? And the best part about the table is that it was pretty darn simple to throw together (notice the pretty packages from our dream tree post? Re-purposing at its finest!)

Holiday Tablescape Tips:Casey holiday name tag and place setting

  • DIY some name cards: We picked these wooden tags up at Michaels and used a gold paint marker to write names on each one. This is easy, inexpensive, and it will make guests feel so welcome at the table.barcart drinks for Christmas
  • Add some rosemary: We paired the name cards with a sprig of fresh rosemary. It smelled ahhhh-mazing, and was a super easy addition. Just throw in an extra pack of rosemary into your grocery card when you’re shopping for your holiday meal and you’re good to go!Room and board holiday bar cart Grab a drink tag bar cart
  • Use a Bar Cart: The wooden round bar cart from Room & Board was a must-have when we eyed the showroom for pieces for our table. We decided to saddle the cart right up next to the table for wine & beverages. Creating a drink station makes entertaining easier, as guests can feel free to serve themselves throughout the evening.Christmas Gifts
  • Show off your pretty presents: You’re bound to have some presents around your house in the next few weeks, so why not use them as decor? Pick a color scheme for your wrapping paper, ribbon, and bows and then display wrapped gifts alongside your table. We received so many compliments on the gifts at the party, with many people inquiring about the homemade bows. Don’t worry, we have a tutorial coming your way in early December!Room and board radio on bar cart
  • Use what ya got: In the center of the table we used items we already had from our Christmas decor. Greenery, gold ornaments, and candles. We love using items like this on the table, because then you can simply add them to your holiday decor once your holiday meal is over. #doubledutydecor
  • Cozy it up: We put a faux sheepskin on the floor to add some texture to the space, and then added some ambiance with the candles on the table. These simple touches can make your entire holiday table seem that much more cozy & inviting.

casey-bridget-room and board-porch-event-chicago

A big thank you to everyone who came out to the event. It was a wonderful night and it rejuvenated our love for this blog. Hopefully, we’ll have more fun events like this in the future. Cheers!





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