Framed Recipe Cards to Display in the Kitchen


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Unlike their granddaughter, both of my grandmothers were/are very talented in the kitchen. My grandma on my mom’s side, Grandma Judy, was known for her ability to cook up a meal of meat + potatoes and serve it hot at the exact time she told her guests… making the whole process look effortless and even fun (?!).

My Gram on my dad’s side is still very talented in the kitchen and always, always, always has homemade cookies on hand and can whip up a homemade pie like it’s nothing.IMG_3842-001

It’s no secret around here that my talents in the kitchen look nothing like these talented ladies, and quite honestly, I would categorize my skills more along the lines of non-existent. Baking a homemade pie from scratch? In my dreams. Serving a meal hot at the very time I anticipated? …yeah right.


Needless to say, I look at the talent of these special women in a whole different way now. I admire their selflessness in the kitchen and the fact that they spent hours preparing & creating these masterpieces that have now molded our family traditions. In honor of these great memories, I have decided to incorporate these staple recipes into our kitchen decor… especially for the holidays!

Framed Recipe Cards as Kitchen Decor


I took each grandma’s “famous” family recipe (apple slices from Grandma Judy & chocolate pie from Gram) and framed them to display in our kitchen.


This is a super easy, yet extremely meaningful way to add personality to your kitchen. If you don’t have a ton of wall room to hang these recipes, you can display them on the counter like I did here. I love that I have a reminder of these women in my kitchen and a snapshot of the memories that were made while enjoying these sweet treats. IMG_3750

Now if only I could step up those kitchen skills and do more with these recipes than just admire from afar…

Oh well, at least the framed recipe cards make it look like I know what I’m doing in the kitchen!IMG_3731





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