How To Measure Hot Throw • Armatage Candle Company


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Sharing your candle designs is perhaps one of the more fulfilling aspects of candle making.

The benefit, of course, is you can leverage people’s opinions of a candle in exchange for, well, the candle.

In the final part of the test, create fresh copies of the candle design that passed BL scent testing, and give one to as many people as you want.

Ask for their thoughts.

You can be as specific in this request as you want, though it tends to work better if you let them know you need honest feedback in any form after they’ve burned the candle a few times.

Most importantly, you should encourage them to burn it normally as they would with any other candle.

But you’re free to send them a candle with a grading sheet if you really want some cold, hard data. Nothing wrong with that!

When the feedback starts coming in, don’t live or die by a single person’s thoughts.

Studies have shown that the average of a group tends to be close to the “right answer”.

Scent has no right answer, but hopefully the group you’ve chosen represents about what your customers would be.

But don’t overthink it. The real intention of Others is to keep your own opinions honest. After all, if you’re cranking out candles all day it’s possible to become a bit nose blind – a bias of it’s own.

More opinions are better, so take Others as far as you feel comfortable.

Send out a minimum of two candles, and don’t forget to follow up.

If feedback tends to be positive, you’ve likely passed the BLO test and you can feel a lot better about the design you’re putting out there!



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