March 2022 – Bathroom Construction, Spring Clothes, + More


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The break room no. 1

Pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee, get cozy, and let’s take a well-deserved break and catch up about March 2022.

My Recent Buys

Glow tanning drops
  • Ever since we got back from our Florida trip, I’ve had a slight tan. To extend it, I’ve been using my favorite tanning drops in my face moisturizer two to three days per week. I love the glow it gives me! I also worked with Necessaire on some sponsored content earlier this month and I adore their products. I have this trio and especially like the body lotion. I’m looking to try out the body serum next.
Rory using the Amazon glow
  • My mother-in-law gifted us an Amazon Glow so she can connect with the kids from afar. It’s still a new product, so it has some wonkiness every now and then, but it has been really great! We used to just FaceTime her and it was hard to get everyone in the shot, with Rory running all around. The camera on The Glow shows the entire room, which makes it a lot easier. Plus, they can read books or do puzzles together right there on the device. It’s pretty cool!
  • I forgot to mention this in my Florida recap post, but I’m such a big fan of packing cubes. I got some new ones so I could pack the entire family and they work so well to keep us organized and compress our clothes. I’ll be using these again for our upcoming trip to Arizona.
House of colour
  • I’m still planning to do some clothing shopping after my House of Colour appointment revealed that black and gray aren’t the most flattering colors on me – and that’s what most of my wardrobe consists of! In the meantime, I got these silver hoops and this silver necklace set. Gold doesn’t work well with my skin tone (I had no idea!) and I wanted to try out some new silver goodies. These have been great!
March 2022 - the kids wearing their easter clothes

Finn’s Favorites

Enjoying our time in Seaside Florida on the beach

Finn is back sharing his faves this month. This time around, he is focusing on spring essentials.

The Click List

Finn Family Updates – March 2022

Our bedroom full of construction materials

March has been exhausting. Our house has been a disaster zone with all of the construction and as someone who likes to have things clean and organized, it has been really tough on me. I mean, we freakin’ slept with a wet saw in our bedroom for four weeks! Now, everything is basically finished and our house is back in working order, but for a while there, it was really tough.

 onstructon zone in our home

Three days a week, I sent Ellis to my mom’s house, so he would be away from the construction noise and chaos. Rory was at school on those days. And on the other days, we tried to make due by turning the sound machines up during nap time. Thankfully, the kids slept a-okay, even amongst the chaos. Rory loved having the workers here every day and would smile, wave, and talk to them as they’d come in and out.

We’re still waiting on a few loose ends for the bathrooms, but the mess is officially over. (We have a few final details left and the glass for the shower still needs to be installed.) I hired my cleaners to come to do a deep clean once the workers were outta here and it felt amazing to have the house sparkling again!

Spending time with my family

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a day in my life as a mom, with two under two, on Instagram stories. It was so fun to share a typical day in our house and I had a blast talking with other moms in my DMs. I think my biggest takeaway from the day was that it’s important to continue to share the not-so-perfect aspect of motherhood and juggling kids.

Rory reading

So much of social media can look like perfection and I never want you to come to my account and feel less-than. Instead, it’s all about solidarity, especially with young kids in tow. If you want to check it out, you can watch the entire day in this Instagram story highlight.

Ellis eating solids

Ellis is officially 6-months-old, so we recently started him on foods. We are following the same protocol as we did with Rory (you can read more about baby-led weaning here), and so far, he has been a little champ.

Ellis sitting on my bed

We sailed through all of the allergens and now it’s time to really have some fun with food!

Ready to potty train Rory

Next month, we are potty training Rory. I think she has been ready for a while now, but it just wasn’t a great time, being down two bathrooms and all.

Rory in her closet

We’re following this book and it’s been a great resource. I know lots of parents dread potty training, but I’m looking forward to it and I think she is gonna do great! (At least that’s what I keep telling myself. And, wine. Lots of wine!) Also, I’m not looking for any tips or unsolicited advice. We got this!

March 2022, cheers to spring!

We leave for another family trip next week. We’re all heading to Scottsdale for a family wedding and we’re staying for a week. It should be nice to be in the sun and spend time with loved ones. We’ll see how these two little ones do on that long plane ride!




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