Pressing Pause on Content for the Week


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Hi, friends. I was very eager and excited to head back to work this week after my maternity leave and I had a full week of content planned. However, in light of the recent events in our country, I’m pressing pause on sharing new content for the remainder of the week.Spending time with baby Rory

It feels trivial to post about home and DIY during this time. I’m heartbroken by the events in the world right now and I stand with those fighting for justice. This is not the world I want my daughter to grow up in. I’ve spent the last 7 weeks snuggling my baby girl thinking about her future and the woman she will become. And I think about the black moms out there snuggling their own babies who have to be afraid for the safety of their children just because they’re black. It makes my heart hurt.

I’m going to make sure that Rory is raised as a race-conscious child. That she grows up to be kind, empathetic and accepting of everyone. Because change starts at home.

I’m pushing all of my content back a week, so for now, I’ll plan to be back with my full schedule next Monday. Stay safe, friends.




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