Introducing Our Daughter to the World


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Hello, friends. Here I am, popping in with a quick post to tell you the good news. Our daughter made an early debut over the weekend and she is here!!

Meet Our DaughterMeet our Daughter, Aurora

Introducing Aurora Mary Finn.

We chose the name Aurora because it means “light after darkness.” After being in a dark place for a few years as we struggled with infertility, expecting our baby girl brought us back to the light. We’ll always remember that Aurora was the one to pull us out of a sad place and show us the joy and happiness in the world again. We’ve been calling her “Rory” and it’s just so fitting for our little peanut!Meet our daughter, Aurora

The middle name, Mary, is a family name on both of our sides so it seemed like a great traditional middle name to go along with our unique first name.

Rory’s StatsMeet our Daughter, Aurora

Born on Saturday, April 11th at 2:39 pm at 19 inches long and weighing 5lbs 14oz. She was a quick and unexpected surprise, but apparently she really wanted to meet us in time for Easter! Come meet baby RoryEven though she came two weeks earlier than we expected, she is strong, healthy, and didn’t need to spend any time in the NICU. While we thought we were overprepared for her arrival, we found ourselves rushing to buy preemie outfits and diapers for our little one. You should see the random stuff we bought at 1:00 am this week. Ha!

More to Come

Waiting to give birth
A few hours before Rory’s arrival

I’ll write out my entire birth story when I return from maternity leave in June, but let’s just say she was here in no time at all (I only pushed for 17 minutes and the doctor had to catch her because she flew out. No joke!). I really could  have been one of those women who give birth in the car on the way to the hospital. It all happened so darn fast.

What’s the Plan with Blog Content?Our daughter Rory

I had the next week and a half of content all scheduled and ready to go, thinking I would start my maternity leave on Monday, April 27th. But Rory didn’t seem to care about her “Type-A” mom’s plans.  I’m still planning to publish all of that content over the next week and a half (including the big NURSERY REVEAL).  Just know that it was all written before Rory’s arrival and I may be slow to respond to any comments or questions, but I appreciate them so so much!

Then, starting on April 27th I’m officially “out of the office” and I will return the first week of June.Come meet baby Rory

Thank you for all of your love and support. We are enjoying allllll the baby snuggles in the Finn household and can’t wait to share more soon.




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