Summer Video 2019 – Vacation, Renovation, & DIY


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Fall officially kicks off next week and it’s time to say goodbye to Summer 2019. Casey and Finn summertime

I feel like this was the longest summer ever because we packed in sooooo much over the past few months. Since late spring, we sold our condo, bought a house, went to Las Vegas, went to San Francisco, packed and moved out, moved in with my mom, started a major home renovation, completed countless projects, moved into our home, and we’re now juuuuust starting to get settled in around here. Man, I’m exhausted just typing that all out!Finn helping with The DIY Playbook

One habit I want to get into again is creating our seasonal videos. I always like putting together these short video montages every season. It’s a fun “video scrapbook” of what we’ve been up to and it’s a unique way to capture all of the craziness we experience on a regular basis.

Our summer video 2019

This video is a bit different from the past ones because I’m incorporating a bit more “vlog style” into it ,where I chat with the camera to give little updates. Unfortunately, when I lost my computer, I lost some video/photos from July (booooo!), but I still had lots to put into our Summer video 2019.

Our Summer Video 2019Our deck makeover

This video has clips all the way back from our springtime fireplace project (remember that one?!) up until moving into our home a few short weeks ago. It’s sooooo cool seeing the renovation progress during this video. I can hardly believe our house used to look like that “before” tour. I love that we have this video, forever, to capture what it was like when we purchased the home. Take a look for yourself…

My Favorite Parts

  • 1:07 Clearly, San Francisco is very hilly!
  • 1:27 I had no clue Finn had such unique dance moves…
  • 1:40 Holy smokes, our living room looked like that??
  • 2:47 Such a satisfying DIY project!
  • 3:14 Awwwwww…

If you’re having trouble viewing the video above, you can watch it on our Youtube channel right here. We’d also love it if you subscribed to our channel.Getting ready for a cozy fall

I’m hoping that things settle down a bit more for fall. I’m ready for some more nights in at home, weekends snuggling on the couch with Finn, and (of course) plenty of DIY projects around here. Oh fall, I love you most of all!




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