Blogging Updates – New Intern, The Wing, and More!


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It’s almost been three months since we announced that Bridget was leaving the blog and a lot has happened since that big blog change! Many of you have reached out to see how I’m doing flying solo and I appreciate all of the sweet words that have been sent my way. I figured I should take some time and write a post to catch you guys up on some blogging updates around here!

Life as a SolopreneurBlogging updates to The DIY Playbook

As you guys know from this post, I never intended to run The DIY Playbook by myself. I liked the constant connection with a business partner and the ability to feel like I was doing this crazy job with someone by my side. But I’m making the most of my new situation and the transition hasn’t been terrible! Of course, I miss Bridget so, so much, but I’ve figured out a new normal and a routine that works for me. We still talk all the time and I’m always asking for her advice on the new house. We don’t text 5,000x per day like we used to, but it’s nice to talk about real life and not the business when we spend time together. Finn helping with The DIY Playbook

Also, Finn has been a lifesaver! He’s now my go-to person for anything business related. He hops on conference calls, reviews contracts, and is always discussing new ideas and projects with me. It’s nice to still have someone to talk shop with and I’m so grateful that he is so supportive. While he was always involved with the business side of the blog, he is now putting in a lot more hours (sorry buddy!)Finn napping on Jan's couch

A lot of you guys have asked if he will be posting regularly on the blog, and he has agreed to pop in every now and then (like with this budget post and this watermelon cutting post). I feel like he will share on topics where he is much more of an expert than I am (like with finance, cooking, and smart house stuff!). He still has a day job, so he can’t be a regular contributor, but I appreciate the posts he has written and I love that you guys are getting to know him a bit better. Speaking of which…

More Real LifeSharing more real life on my phone

Another “change” to the blog and social feeds is that I am trying to be a bit more real and vulnerable. Now that everything is just from my point of view, I can open up without confusing all of our readers as to who is sharing their life. Finn and I have been on Insta stories sharing our day to day shenanigans more than ever before and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Seriously, thank you for the sweet messages. They make our day!

I feel like I’ve gotten to know you guys better in the last three months than in the last three years! We’re going to keep on sharing our souls here on the blog and on Instagram, so sorry…you’re stuck with us!Renovation progress in our finn fixer upper

I’m also sharing projects in real time on Insta stories and it has been fun to take you guys along for the ride during our renovation. I’ve received great feedback on the time lapse DIY videos on Insta stories too, so I’ll continue to do more of those! If there are any topics you want me (or Finn) to dive into…please let us know in the comments! We love providing content that you want to see.

Meet My Intern!Meet my intern, Liz

The most exciting new development is that I have a summer intern, Liz. She is a welcome addition to the Playbook team and has provided some much-needed help during these last few months. Liz had a previous career and decided to follow her dreams and pursue a career in interior design instead. Liz is proof that it’s never too late to create the life you want! She is getting her interior design degree at Columbia, interning at a design firm, and interning with me! She is one busy lady.Liz Perry Interiors

Because Liz’s background is focused on the technical side of interior design and architecture, she has been such a help with our Reader SOS series, yesterday’s Room Refresh post, and more! She can put mood boards together like nobody else and I love bouncing ideas off her as I choose pieces for our new house. It’s been nice to have a professional eye to help as I make decisions.

Liz still has a few years of school left, but when she graduates, I’ll be sure to share her contact information if you’re in need of an interior designer. Her goal is to do residential design, so I will be happy to send you guys her way!

Joining The Wing

Photos via The Wing

I joined a women’s only co-working space in Chicago, called The Wing, and it has been a game changer. I’ve been pretty vocal about how I don’t exactly love working from home, by myself, (it can be pretty isolating) and joining this space was the best decision ever.

Photos via The Wing

First, let’s discuss how gorgeous the space is. It’s in the Fulton Market neighborhood of Chicago and I can easily get there on the blue line (so convenient). The office is stunning and feminine from head to toe. The interior has fun colors and decor, a color-coded library (with predominantly female authors), a cafe, and a spa-like bathroom filled with convenient toiletries and makeup mirrors. They even have baskets of blankets to use if you get cold when working. It’s a feminine paradise!

I’ve been spending two to three days a week working at The Wing, especially since I don’t have a dedicated home office just yet. I’ve already met some other awesome female entrepreneurs there and have attended a few events. Liz and I meet at The Wing at least one day a week and work together, so it’s nice to have a buddy while I work away!

Office at the New House

Office at the new house

While I love The Wing, I’m also incredibly excited about having a dedicated office space at our new house. I haven’t started on a design plan just yet, but I think I’ll start on this room pretty quickly. I’m picturing a large desk space, tons of storage, a huge marker board to plan out my week (no more lugging my infamous whiteboard around the house), and a closet full of my photography equipment.

Having a DIY Playbook Headquarters is going to be ahhhhmazing!Life with our new roomie. Working from the dining room table.

While it’s been a crazy, stressful year for me, I’m really enjoying the new direction of the blog and I’m looking forward to what’s ahead for The DIY Playbook. You guys have been nothing but supportive during this time of transition and it has made me realize how much I love and lean on this Playbook community. I’m honored to share my daily life with a group of such strong and supportive women. THANK YOU!

So let’s bring on the rest of 2019 (can you believe it’s more than halfway over?!). I’m ready for it!




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