Catching Up on June 2019 + Favorite Buys


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Back when I was working in a traditional office setting, the break room was where I’d eat lunch, chat about anything and everything with coworkers, and even catch up on my favorite blogs on my phone. I know a lot of you are working ladies and you read this blog on your commute to work or on your lunch hour. I figured “The Break Room” could be our spot to catch up about the past month…just as friends do!

The break room no. 1 May 2019

So pour yourself a fresh cup of coffee, get cozy, and let’s take a well-deserved break and catch up about June, 2019.

My Recent Buys

  • Every time I’m on Insta stories, I get asked about my necklaces. It’s actually one necklace with two strands that I wear just about every single day. Finn’s sister got it for me for my 30th birthday and I love it. It’s by Freida Rothman and I don’t believe they make this particular style anymore.  But, everything she makes is stunning and you really can’t go wrong. In fact, this year for my birthday I got this long necklace from her and I love that one too.Uniqlo event
  • I hosted an event at the store UNIQLO earlier this month (more details later on in the post) and I picked up a few new items to wear at the event. I wore these black jeans (so slimming) and this top (I got so many compliments and the best part is it doesn’t wrinkle. Perfect for you working gals!). I also stocked up on these t-shirts because they’re incredibly soft and I got these leggings and this top for an athleisure look. I couldn’t believe how budget-friendly their clothing is.Face razor
  • I’ve been using these face razors ever since I saw my friend Cassie use them on her blog. I dermaplane my face about once a week and it works wonders to get the peach fuzz off of your cheeks and chin. Plus, I find that my moisturizers work better and my skin is softer when it’s hairless.
  • I don’t know about you, but when I was little I ate freeze pops in the summertime just about every single day. I posted about them on stories recently and so many of you reached out to tell me they make boozy ice pops! Say what? A few of you mentioned that you stock up at Costco and Binny’s, so I still need to go search for them. No-show socks
  • This is a small buy, but I purged my socks this month and stocked up on these no show ones. They’re inexpensive and I bought all black so I don’t have to worry about matching them. I love them because they don’t show when you’re wearing gym shoes.

The Click List

Finn Family Updates – June 2019

Casey plants succulents

As I mentioned earlier, I hosted an event at the UNIQLO store on Michigan Avenue earlier this month. It was a succulent party and I met so many lovely readers. I love being able to connect with you guys in person and I’m so thankful that lots of you made the trek to the store to hang out! We ended up going through all 100 succulents, so I’d call it a success! This just solidifies the fact that Finn and I need to host a reader meetup. We’ve talked about it forever, but I need to make it happen.Fun with friends in St. Louis

Dress // Sandals // Purse

We also went to St. Louis last weekend for a mini-reunion with my college roommates. It was an absolute blast and we laughed until our abs hurt. We live all over the country but are trying to be better about getting together a couple of times a year. Two of my friends are pregnant, so we wanted to get a trip in before their babies come.

Our boys tagged along too, and luckily they all get along really well. Clearly, we were all having a good time together (sorry for the blurry pics. There was a lot of champagne consumed…).

The first night, we went to a drag show (Hamburger Mary’s in downtown St. Louis) and it was hilarious and quite the way to kickoff the weekend. We then went to the Chase Hotel for more cocktails (and Finn and I met the sweetest reader!).

The next day, my friend Maggie (who was the best hostess ever!) made a feast for breakfast and we then had a lazy day at the pool. Being together for college reunion

Being together was good for the soul and it reminded me why it’s so important to slow down sometimes and make time for the people who really matter. We need to get our next trip on the books!

I’m looking forward to July because we have some fun activities planned with family and friends. And hopefully, we’ll finish up the house and by next month’s Break Room post we will be gearing up to move in. Fingers crossed…




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