What We Want to Buy for our Spring Wardrobe


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It has been awhile since we’ve talked about fashion here on the blog and we’re sorry about that. Many of you commented during our birthday week that you guys miss our weekly fashion posts, so it’s time we get back to them! Give the people what they want, right?A cozy dress, sweater, and nude heels to add to a spring wardrobe. To be honest, between Casey’s fertility treatments and Bridget just having a baby, neither of us have been up for fashion posts these past couple of months.  Because there’s nothing fun about posing for the camera when you’re not feeling super great in your own skin. Striped top, ripped jeans, and nude heels to add to your spring wardrobe.

But today we’re tip-toeing back into the fashion game with a post about what we’re planning to buy for spring. Then next week, Bridget will be back to talk about how she is dressing her post-baby bod. After that, we’ll try to keep the fashion train rolling along with some new posts at least a few times a month. How does that sound?

Back to today’s topic…what we both want to buy for spring! The change in seasons always gets us excited to add some new items to our closets and we’re pretty eager to give our spring wardrobe some TLC.

Spring is funny here in Chicago. The cold (and sometimes even snow!) starts out the season, but then once we get a few days of it being over 50 degrees and sunny, everyone is happy! You’ll go out on a Saturday afternoon in Chicago and you’ll see people in shorts and sandals even though it’s only 55 degrees. After being cooped up all winter long, Chicagoans take full advantage of any semi-warm day.

How to Update your Spring Wardrobe

As you guys know, we both try to be intentional with what we bring into our homes (& closets!). So whenever a new season rolls around, we give our wardrobes a good once over before we buy anything. We’ll get rid of any items we no longer wear, toss any shoes that have seen better days, and take inventory of the items we really need for the upcoming months.

Then we’ll keep our eyes peeled for those items on our “to buy” list. Here’s what we’re both currently eyeing…

Casey’s Spring Wardrobe Wish List

Tortoise Sunglasses

I got these black sunglasses for Christmas and wear them constantly. I think it’s time to add some lighter ones to my rotation, so I’m eyeing these tortoise ones!

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Bridget’s Spring Wardrobe Wish List

Birkenstock Sandals

My super stylish little sister splurged on a pair of Birkenstocks last summer and wore them with EVERYTHING. Plus, she swears they are the comfiest sandal ever and I love the metallic!

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What’s on your Spring wish list this year?




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