A Simple and Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe


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Confession…my job status has changed A LOT over the last few months and I wasn’t quite ready to share all of the details here on the blog. But, now I think it’s time to finally fill you guys in.

So let’s backtrack a bit. As most of you know, I’ve worked in television production my entire career. And for the past 1.5 years or so I was working for a startup here in Chicago and I absolutely loved it. I had amazing coworkers, ridiculous perks (like a barista and free lunch every day), and work I was excited and passionate about. For more scoop, you can read more about a day in my life right here.

However, in the fall things changed at my company. I won’t go into detail, but let’s just say that business wasn’t going well and they had to cut waaaay back. After a few months of being very nervous about losing my job, I accepted a buyout the week of Thanksgiving.

My New Employment Status

It was a scary decision, but looking back a couple months later, I’m confident it was absolutely meant to be! Bridget and I have always talked about doing the blog full-time someday, and after reviewing our finances, we realized that our business was doing so well that at least one of us could take the leap to blogging full-time. If things didn’t go the way they did at my company, I doubt I would have ever made the call to go full-time with the blog. So in hindsight, I think it all worked out the way it should.

Finn works in finance at his day job and he also does all of the finances for the Playbook. So when he gave me the thumbs up to pursue the blog full-time (instead of looking for something else in TV production), I felt relieved. Instead of blogging on weeknights and on the weekends, I could now put all of my daytime hours into our business! Plus, with the chaos of Bridget’s new house and Baby Mac (who will be here before we know it!) I knew this was perfect timing. I could take some of the workload off of B, while continuing to grow our business! Not to mention that I could possibly have my social life back too!

What Now?

I fully intended to dive head-first into full-time blog life, but then another surprise happened. An old manager asked me to come help out on the second season of a TV show here in Chicago, and I just couldn’t say no. So since mid-December, I’ve been working 3 days a week on the blog…and 2 days a week producing. For now, it’s the best of both worlds, but as soon as the show ends I’m planning to get right back to full-time blogging…and I couldn’t be happier about that.

And now you’re probably wondering, why the heck does this post also have “Vegetable Soup” in the title. Good question.

I’m sharing a recipe with you today because this vegetable soup has been my saving grace since I started working from home.

I make a big batch of this vegetable soup on Sunday and then have it all week long when I work. I find that I often get so wrapped up in a project or a post, that I forget to eat lunch. Then I look at the clock and it’s 2 pm and I’m ravenous. When I first started my new working from home routine, I would snack once those afternoon munchies hit. Now, I heat up a bowl of this incredibly healthy (& delicious) vegetable soup and I’m full until Finn gets home for dinner.

You guys know I don’t really cook much, so if I’m raving about a dish that I made…you know it must be good and super simple to make. So here’s the recipe for my new favorite vegetable soup.

Recipe for Vegetable Soup

Simple Vegetable Soup

Casey & Finn

For a simple weeknight dinner, this vegetable soup is a perfect go-to! Whether you have a busy night, or plenty of time to hang in the kitchen, whip this soup up for a hearty dinner and plenty of leftovers.

Course Soup

Cuisine American

  • 1 onion
  • 2 yellow squash
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 bag frozen string beans
  • 1 cup lentils
  • 1 can peeled crushed tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 6 cups vegetable broth
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Coat a big soup pot with olive oil, and set to high heat. Then throw in some chopped onion and season with salt and pepper. Saute for a few minutes.

  • Add 2 chopped carrots and saute another few minutes.

  • Next, add 6 cups of vegetable broth and cook until the carrots soften.

  • Stir in 2 chopped yellow squash and 2 chopped zucchini. I quarter them so they’re bite-sized!

  • Toss in the can of peeled crushed tomatoes and the bag of frozen cut string beans.

  • While the veggies soften in the vegetable broth, make 1 cup of lentils (follow instructions on bag).

  • When the lentils are finished, add them to the soup. Season with salt and pepper.

  • Simmer for about 30 minutes so all of the veggies have a chance to soften and the flavors mix together.

Keyword Health Recipe, Vegetable Soup, Vegetarian Recipe

  1. Coat a big soup pot with olive oil, and set to high heat. Then throw in some chopped onion and season with salt and pepper. Saute for a few minutes.
  2. Add 2 chopped carrots and saute another few minutes.
  3. Next, add 6 cups of vegetable broth and cook until the carrots soften.
  4. Stir in 2 chopped yellow squash and 2 chopped zucchini. I quarter them so they’re bite-sized!
  5. Toss in the can of peeled crushed tomatoes and the bag of frozen cut string beans.
  6. While the veggies soften in the vegetable broth, make 1 cup of lentils (follow instructions on bag).
  7. When the lentils are finished, add them to the soup. Season with salt and pepper.
  8. I’ll often let my batch simmer for about 30 minutes so all of the veggies have a chance to soften and the flavors mix together.

This makes a huge container of soup and I just put it in a big tupperware for the week. Then I spoon it out into a bowl and pop it into the microwave. I do 2 minutes on high (with a paper towel over it, so it doesn’t splatter the entire microwave). I take it out and stir it. Then I do another 2 minutes or so until it’s heated all the way through.

I love that I’m getting tons of veggies into my diet with this lunch and it’s been perfect for the cold temps here in Chicago. Plus, it’s reassuring to know that I’m nourishing my body at least a few days a week with this hearty and healthy soup!

Sorry this post was a bit of a mixed bag of information. I’m planning to dive into more details as I navigate the transition of corporate gal to work-from-home blogging gal! It has been quite a change, but a good one. And the best part is I’m just so excited for what 2018 has to bring for both me, Bridget, and The DIY Playbook. I’m confident that there are only good things ahead for all of us.

Let me know if there are any specific topics you want me to dive into about blogging full-time, quitting my job, tips for working from home, growing our business, etc. I’m happy to share all that we’ve learned (& continue to learn) along the way!




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